Tag: Volunteers

4 Questions I Ask My Team on a Regular Basis

What's the Word Wednesday

4 Questions I Ask My Team on a Regular Basis

In a survey reported in Forbes magazine, staff members and subordinates were asked what they wished their boss would do better. The number one answer by far:

Communicate with me.”

Here’s the funny thing, I bet those leaders are communicating with their team members. They just aren’t talking about the right things.

If you lead a paid staff or work with large numbers of volunteers who serve in “staff” type roles, you are leading a team.

So what would your team say about your communication with them?

If our only communication with our team is about what WE want to talk about then they probably do complain about us. They don’t just want to hear what we have to say, they want to be able share as well. They don’t want to just talk about “work”, they want to know that you care about them as an individual.

So, let me share with you 4 questions that I ask my team on a regular basis.

1. How Are You Doing in Life: Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically, Intellectually? 

This is more than the trite “how are you doing” that we might ask while passing someone in the hallway. I genuinely want you to unpack for me your current spiritual, emotional, physical and intellectual state.

Sometimes their answer is “I’m doing great” and that’s enough. But over time I’ve had the opportunity to help hold them accountable to some physical fitness or dietary goals, recommend a book that would help with an emotional issue they were walking through, or walk them through a season of difficulty.

2. What Do I Need To Know About The Areas That You Lead?

This can include so many things.

Maybe they had a recent “win” that they want to celebrate with me, or maybe there is a volunteer causing trouble and they aren’t sure how to handle it. Perhaps they are considering a change in curriculum or have a budget concern.

No matter what it is, this is my way of keeping a pulse on their area before larger problems arise and I might be caught off-guard.

3. What Are You Working On Right Now?

This is more than a micromanagement question.

I’m not as concerned with if they are returning emails as I am that they are managing their present responsibilities with an eye toward future endeavors that will help us be successful.

Depending on their answer I may be able to redirect their efforts toward things that will serve us better.

4. How Can I Help You? 

Not every leader is comfortable asking this question.

They think it makes them look weak, gives authority to those under them or exposes a flaw in the leadership.

However, the opposite is actually true. It requires strength to admit that you may have made a mistake or overlooked something, or to position yourself as a servant to those you lead.

The answers to these questions help me know my team better. Over time they come to know that I’m genuinely interested in them. They open up to me. They trust me.

What more can I ask for!

Does all of this seem like A LOT?

It actually is a lot. Frankly, it’s too much to do alone. That’s why at CourageToLead we believe, “Every Leader Needs a Coach”…because no leader can do it all alone!

Let’s set up a call with one of our coaches to talk through leading your team and organization through re-entry.

It’s simple, click the button below, schedule a time that works for you, fill out a brief application and show up to your call…we’ll handle the rest!

Original article appeared here

Jeremy Isaacs is a coach at CourageToLead. He serves as Lead Pastor of Generations Church in metro Atlanta. He has been coaching pastors since 2014 and has written 2 books including “Toxic Soul: A Pastor’s Guide to Leading without Losing Heart”. He has a BA in Christian Ministry from Lee University and a MA in Theological Studies from Liberty Baptist Seminary. He goes on #Fri-Dates with his wife Corrie and on Saturdays sits with her on the sidelines of sporting events.

Looking for a new position? Stop by MinistryJobs.com and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

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What’s the Word Wednesday

What's the Word Wednesday

What’s the Word Wednesday


“Your kindness might not move others – or even matter to them at all – but it’s still worth extending. It’s never a waste. The Lord himself receives it and treasures it as precious because it is a reflection of his own unilateral love for centers.”

Jared C Wilson, Professor at Spurgeon College

One thing that we have seen all over the world is that kindness is prevailing in uncertain times. People are coming together in the most unusual ways. Amid the fear that we see all over social media and the news, there has been a definite outpouring of community, love and support. Do something random – show kindness in unusual ways. Call a friend you haven’t talked to in awhile.

Donate to a charity. Arrange to have a video lunch with a co-worker. Offer support to your neighbors. It will help to try and see this as a different period of time in your life, and not necessarily a bad one. There are still lots of things that we can do for other people to inspire kindness in unforeseen times. 

What are ways you have shown kindness to others?

Looking for a new position? Stop by MinistryJobs.com and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

Read more Ministry blogs at MinistryJobs.com/blog

What’s the Word Wednesday

What's the Word Wednesday

What’s the Word Wednesday


“Such difficult days and yet God is doing so much in it. It shouldn’t surprise us. We see it through the Scriptures. God is at work in this mess.”

Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor at Village Church

These days are some of the most unusual days that we have ever lived through. The increase in the Covid numbers, the lack of interaction in our daily live… it can feel so overwhelming at times. It can even feel that God is absent. The good news is that He is not. He is walking this journey with us! Use this time to rest. Rather than lamenting over our current disruptions, use this opportunity to rest. Refocus on what’s important. Spend time with family. Take care of yourself and your mental health. Spend time with God. He is at work!

Looking for a new position? Stop by MinistryJobs.com and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

Read more Ministry blogs at MinistryJobs.com/blog

What’s the Word Wednesday

What's the Word Wednesday

“In the wake of COVID-19, we have a tremendous opportunity to build an army of volunteers and leaders in our church, not just an audience of spectators.”

Todd Adkins, Director of LifeWay Leadership. 

Some may see this time as a stumbling block to their resolutions. Others might see it as an opportunity. This is a very valuable time. Whether you think so or not. COVID-19 has given us a gift. A gift to build on what we didn’t have already. An opportunity to fine tune our skills and abilities. You have volunteers that serve from week to week but did you know that you actually have an untapped army? Use this time to build your army of volunteers. Pour into them and really seek out their passions and what they’re good at.

Originally, one of your volunteers might have just been a 3’s teacher but now, in this time of virtual church, that same person might be a key piece to your ministry. Leaders are arising that normally would have remained in the shadows of the back of the church. Have you found them yet? Have you looked and poured thru your church to reveal these leaders who are among you? Pull out the people that have been spectators – train and invest in them. Today is the day to build an army!

Looking for a new position? Stop by MinistryJobs.com and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

Read more Ministry blogs at MinistryJobs.com/blog

What’s the Word Wednesday

Power, approval, comfort, and control are meta-idols that hold sway over our daily lives

– Timothy Keller, Founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church and City to City. To find out more about Tim Keller, head to his site

Pull a part each of those words above. Power. Approval. Comfort. Control.  Each of us, or at least most of us, have struggled with these things throughout the duration of our lives. Power held through a position at work. Approval sought out by a family member that doesn’t see us. Comfort from not doing something that makes us a little uneasy. Control over our time and finances so we refuse to give. The truth is that God sees this. He knows this. He knows that we’re putting these things above Him. He knows that these thing hold weight in our lives and when the going gets tough, we turn to power, approval, comfort and control before we turn to Him. Get away, even for just a brief moment and reflect what you’re putting above Christ. Is it power? Maybe you are seeking out approval. Needing help getting out of your comfort zone? Does control have a tight grip? In Exodus it says that we shouldn’t have any gods before Christ. Nothing should take the place of Him in your daily walk. Figure out what you are replacing with God and get rid of it. He wants you to have peace and the only way to do that is to put Him first.

Looking for a new position? Stop by MinistryJobs.com and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

What’s the Word Wednesday

Use your ‘power’ to bless and serve, not manipulate and control.

– JD Greear, Lead Pastor at The Summit Church

How many times have you used your skills and abilities to help someone out? I’m sure, if you’re an average joe, probably more times than you can count. How many times have you used your giftings for bad  – to manipulate or to control a situation? I’m sure if we were all honest, we’ve probably done it more times than once. It’s not something that we’re proud of but because we’re good at something or someone has told us that we’ve excelled at something, we’ve used it for bad rather than for good. When you have a particular gift that God has given you, check your heart and ensure that you’re using what He’s given you is for His glory…not yours. Make sure that you’re using it to bless and serve others instead of shining a light on you to help you get further in a situation. 

Looking for a new position? Stop by MinistryJobs.com and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

What’s the Word Wednesday

If sight dictates your hope, the enemy will ensure you see something that steals your faith.

– Stephen Chandler, Lead Pastor at Destiny Church

Satan knows what buttons to push to make us sin or to be tempted. Live by faith and not by site.  The enemy’s goal is to destroy you and if he can’t destroy you, the second best thing he can do is distract you. We’re living in a time that’s very distracting – COVID, schools meeting or going virtual, churches requiring masks or not meeting. There are so many things that are going on that have got us distracted and it’s exactly where Satan wants us. Live by faith and not by site – don’t let the enemy steal your hope!

John 10:10 NIV

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. 

Looking for a new position? Stop by MinistryJobs.com and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

What’s the Word Wednesday

Don’t just go back to what’s familiar. Don’t just go back to what’s comfortable. Don’t just go back to what’s practical. Don’t just go back to what’s expected.

Southeast Christian Church

Are you desiring God or the things of God? God didn’t say that he would just be there for us in the good times. He said he’d be with us at ALL times! He wants us to depend on him in both the good AND the hard times. As we’re trying to figure out our new routines in the up and downs of COVID-19, remember to not just go back to your routines. Don’t just go back to what’s familiar! It’s not about what’s comfortable for you or your volunteers. What can you do to be different? H0w can you be better? What can you do that’s extraordinary for your ministry? Not only should you be stretched but so should your team!

John 14:27 New Living Translation (NLT)

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

Looking for a new position? Stop by MinistryJobs.com and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

You Can Ask, We Can Help

My youngest daughter just moved out of our house and into an apartment. Usually when kids move out their parents are close by to help them with setting things up and everything that comes with it, but not us, we moved 8 hours away! My daughter decided she needed blackout curtains for her room because she can only sleep if the room is pitch black. She called us for advice on how to install curtain rods and as we were telling her she said; “I think I’ll just go to Home Depot and ask somebody there. I’ll just say “hey, can you put curtain rods on a wall?” and when they say yes I’ll tell them to follow me to my apartment.” Where did we go wrong!?!!

Her train of thought was that she would go to the place that should have all the answers and they would help her. How many people do you think you interact with at church that have that same train of thought? You helped them find a parking spot so you must know how to help them get connected into a small group, or what day and time the student ministry meets, right? I am a big fan of cross training all of the first impression team members, but there’s no way anyone can have all the answers!! So what can you do?

We have thought about this and here are a couple of steps we take;

1. Help Center – we changed our “info desk” to “help center” because we want people to know where they can go for help, not just information. We push all information to our website and have iPads at the help center for the team members to not only help people with their request, but to also show them where they can find the answers in the future! We also have 4×5 pieces of paper with “Name,” “Phone,” “Email,” “I would like information on,” and then blank lines for those requests the team members are not able to answer and the staff tackles those on Monday. The iPads also allow guests to sign up for special events. They can pull up the registration form and fill it out right there at the help center.

2. Communication – we do our best to inform all team members of the basic information that can help a guest when they ask questions. We send a weekly email with information about special events happening like the next date for baptism, or membership, or kids camp, student camp, etc. Our coaches do an excellent job communicating the non-weekly activities during their preservice huddles as well as reminding all team members that if they aren’t sure how to answer a guests request, they can walk them to the help center!

Here’s what our Help Center Note looks like!

I hope our first impressions team has an incredible reputation for helping people like Home Depot does in my daughters mind!

PS – she didn’t bring a stranger into her house, she found a friend to help her hang her curtains! Whew!!

Written by Stacey Windover. Stacey is the Guest Experience Consultant for Froot Group, a worship staffing and consulting company.

5 Ways to Grow Your Worship Team

Over the past 10 years I’ve had the privilege of being part of worship teams all around the country. Now as a Worship Pastor of a growing church, I often am asked “How are you growing your worship team?”

So I thought I would share with you 5 simple ways to grow your team.

Build the Culture

When we talk about building the culture we want to first talk about having a vision for your worship team.So ask yourself this question. Why should people want to be on the worship team? By sharing the vision, your team will know if this is something that they can get behind or not.  Do not be afraid to lose teammates over casting a vision. King Solomon said it best, “People without a vision will perish.” So, what kind of culture do you want to build?

Worship Team Commitments

Worship team expectations or team commitments are essential for building your worship team.  It is a way for people to not only see the vision of the team, but to also have a good idea of what they are getting into and what is expected of them. You may also want to include a vision statement as well as a list of your team believes. i.e. We believe every week something powerful happens when we worship Jesus.

Ask People to Join

There is a true and real statement in the worship world when talking about worship teams, “Excellence Attracts Excellence”! Though this is true, the simple truth is people want to be asked. Try not to assume they don’t want to play with the team. Maybe they are just waiting for someone to ask them? You never know until you ask.

All Team Nights

As a volunteer at our church, you are not just on a team but you are part of a worship family. We love to get together and one way we do this is by having All Team Nights.  This consists of all our worship and tech team coming together once a quarter.  We have a time of worship and encouragement. We talk about upcoming events as well as changes that we are going to be making. This is truly a great time for the whole team to be unified.

Build a Lead Team

If you can, build a lead team. This is so key as it helps cast the vision and unite. Your lead team will also be able to see things that you as a worship leader may not see.  They will help you dream and implement new ideas that you may not be able to implement yourself.

Try to find a time, each month, to sit down over coffee or a meal and talk about how things are going. Always try and answer the question, “Are we better than we were 3 months ago?” Trust me when I say this is a game changer!

Written by Derek Harsch. Derek is the Marketing Director of Froot Group, a worship staffing and consulting company.