Category: Skills

Career Advice
How Not to Waste Your Churches Money Managing church finances is a huge deal. People have given their hard earned money to the church so...
December 11, 2020
4 Ways to Create Sermon Graphics Everybody learns differently including the members of your congregation. Some learn with the sound of a voice, while others...
December 2, 2020
Career Advice
The Value of the Basics When I first started out, all I wanted to do was run a console. I wanted to program the cool...
November 30, 2020
Church Culture
Five Ways to Influence Your Community You have heard the question, “What would happen to your neighborhood if the church you served closed tomorrow?” In...
November 4, 2020
Career Advice
Creating Quality Experiences “Create quality experiences that help people engage with Jesus”. What does that mean? And how do we do that? This is my...
November 2, 2020
It’s Too Loud Many Churches have begun reopening and getting back to live services. People no longer have a personal volume control which will inevitably...
October 16, 2020
Career Advice
What’s the Word Wednesday “Save your energy. Guard your time. You’re not supposed to be willing to die on every hill. Just the ones that...
August 26, 2020
Career Advice
What’s the Word Wednesday Power, approval, comfort, and control are meta-idols that hold sway over our daily lives – Timothy Keller, Founder of Redeemer Presbyterian...
August 12, 2020
How to Livestream your Worship Service Ever think your pastor would come to you requesting a list of equipment to purchase for livestreaming that could...
August 7, 2020
Career Advice
What’s the Word Wednesday Use your ‘power’ to bless and serve, not manipulate and control. – JD Greear, Lead Pastor at The Summit Church How...
August 5, 2020