Category: Productivity

How to Hold Church Staff Accountable in a Hybrid Work-from-Home Arrangement I’ve written previously about why required office hours may not be the best arrangement for...
July 16, 2024
5 Powerful Ways To Engage Your Local Church Using Social Media Social media can play a crucial role in building community within local church congregations....
May 2, 2024
Career Advice
4 Ways to Win Between Christmas and New Year’s Day In the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, consider these four ways to refresh...
December 20, 2023
Career Advice
How to Plan Your Church Calendar A Year in Advance New year, new you! Ok, maybe not a completely new you. But January 1st offers...
December 13, 2023
Career Advice
My System for Leading An Awesome Meeting   Ministry is about people. Therefore, ministry leaders have many important conversations and meetings.As a busy church worker,...
December 4, 2020
Career Advice
PLAN AHEAD – 5 ADVANTAGES OF PLANNING IN ADVANCE The deadline is five minutes away and you are scrambling to complete a simple task made...
November 9, 2020
Career Advice
Does Your Church Have a Healthy Social Media Presence? Even if your church used social media prior to the pandemic, you likely are using it...
October 12, 2020
Career Advice
9 Productivity Apps for Ministry Leaders   Do you know what it feels like to be “in the zone” with ministry work?  It feels great when...
October 5, 2020
Career Advice
5 Apps to Increase Productivity Technology has quickly infiltrated our society as both a blessing and a curse. Our fingers, hands, and even our voices...
September 14, 2020
Career Advice
What’s the Word Wednesday Power, approval, comfort, and control are meta-idols that hold sway over our daily lives – Timothy Keller, Founder of Redeemer Presbyterian...
August 12, 2020