Category: Guest Experience

Guest Experience
Daylight Saving: Tips & Tweets to Be On-Time Daylight Saving Time is so weird. The clocks “fall back” an hour and everybody gets confused. If...
October 29, 2019
Career Advice
Top 10 Ways Churches Drive Away First-time Guests If you attend a church regularly, you’ve probably noticed the phenomenon. A guest shows up for a worship...
May 13, 2019
Career Advice
5 Ways To Show Your Staff Appreciation During the Holidays One of my favorite times of year being on staff at my church was always...
December 13, 2018
Guest Experience
Roll Out The Red Carpet This Christmas For some people, Christmas is the only time they go to church. That is why it is critical...
December 11, 2018
Guest Experience
My youngest daughter just moved out of our house and into an apartment. Usually when kids move out their parents are close by to help...
July 17, 2017
Career Advice
I’ve been hanging out at an event this week and I have seen the best and the worst customer service!! I am working with the...
May 30, 2017
Career Advice
What do you use to encourage your team? Do you tell the speaker that they just preached a great sermon after that early Sunday morning?...
May 23, 2017
Guest Experience
Your greeting team is one of the most influential parts of church growth. These are the first people that your guests will get to interact...
May 7, 2017
Children's Ministry
Last week, my husband and I were out in the garden pulling weeds and getting things ready to lay mulch for the summer. We talked...
May 1, 2017
Guest Experience
Last night our cat brought a live rabbit into our house!! At first I heard this crazy commotion and I thought it was one of our...
April 10, 2017