Category: Leadership

How to Hire a Successful Lead Pastor A lead pastor wears many hats and is likely the first person people think about when your church...
November 15, 2023
Maximizing Your Team How’s that weekly staff meeting going for you? Church leadership and staff teams get bogged down by the day-to-day grind, but it...
July 20, 2023
5 Traits of a Great Boss John Maxwell and Kevin Myers are two great bosses I have worked for in my ministry career. They are...
June 8, 2023
To Hire or Not to Hire The unique challenges of the Covid pandemic highlighted how churches must reallocate personnel dollars in the future. As more...
April 12, 2023
The Fallacy of the “3 Cs” in Hiring There’s been a lot written about the “3 Cs” of effective hiring – character, competence, and chemistry....
April 5, 2023
5 SIMPLE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE FUTURE EVERY LEADER SHOULD BE ASKING RIGHT NOW Knowing what you should do as a leader in normal times is...
March 31, 2021
Before You Hire That Staff Person: 8 Red Flags As staff recruiting in ministry world continues to evolve and become more competitive and sophisticated in...
February 24, 2021
This has been a frustrating year in leadership. 2020 has been challenging for all of us. It has been especially challenging for leaders trying to navigate...
February 10, 2021
TIME FOR THINKING BIG ABOUT 2021 Did 2020 cause you to stop dreaming, to stop thinking big?   It has for many.  It’s why a setback...
February 3, 2021
Career Advice
7 THINGS EVERY LEADER SHOULD BE PREPARING FOR NOW While you’re probably amazed you’ve (almost) survived 2020 as a leader, if you’re thinking ahead like...
January 27, 2021