Category: Volunteers

Staff/Team Health
4 Questions I Ask My Team on a Regular Basis In a survey reported in Forbes magazine, staff members and subordinates were asked what they...
March 24, 2021
Career Advice
Thanksgiving Day and Beyond What comes to mind when you think about Thanksgiving Day? For many of us, it would probably be turkey. After all,...
November 26, 2019
Career Advice
12 leadership books every leader should read (my personal all-time top picks) So you’re a reader, but which books can give you the unique insight...
November 19, 2019
Career Advice
30 Ways to Thank Your Team The work of any church is done by an army of dedicated people. Some are staff, some are volunteers—some...
November 12, 2019
Career Advice
Preparing for Your Back-to-School Ministry Launch Now that we’re well into the summer, it’s time to talk fall. Depending on where you live in the...
July 16, 2019
Career Advice
5 Reasons Live Sound Issues Are Not Your Sound Person’s Fault Recently I was talking to a frustrated worship leader at a church I was...
June 10, 2019
Career Advice
Top 10 Ways Churches Drive Away First-time Guests If you attend a church regularly, you’ve probably noticed the phenomenon. A guest shows up for a worship...
May 13, 2019
Career Advice
The 10 Commandments of Great Worship Team Members Sometimes I lead the worship band and sometimes I play in the band. Both are important roles...
May 7, 2019
Career Advice
5 Ways To Show Your Staff Appreciation During the Holidays One of my favorite times of year being on staff at my church was always...
December 13, 2018
Guest Experience
My youngest daughter just moved out of our house and into an apartment. Usually when kids move out their parents are close by to help...
July 17, 2017