Category: Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry
What Makes a Great Youth Pastor? Here are 4 suggestions I’d like to add to the list of what truly makes a great youth pastor:...
May 17, 2023
Youth Ministry
The Top 3 Qualities in a Youth Ministry Hire Someone once asked me, “Jonathan, we’re looking for a new youth pastor. What would you look for...
March 3, 2021
Career Advice
12 Interview Tips for Youth Pastors This is it! You’ve been working with a youth-ministry goal in mind, and you’re about ready to go in...
September 4, 2020
Career Advice
Effective Pastoral Transitions in the Time of COVID-19 How can a pastor moving from one congregation to the next make a successful transition, given the...
July 6, 2020
Career Advice
Thanksgiving Day and Beyond What comes to mind when you think about Thanksgiving Day? For many of us, it would probably be turkey. After all,...
November 26, 2019
Career Advice
12 leadership books every leader should read (my personal all-time top picks) So you’re a reader, but which books can give you the unique insight...
November 19, 2019
Career Advice
30 Ways to Thank Your Team The work of any church is done by an army of dedicated people. Some are staff, some are volunteers—some...
November 12, 2019
Children's Ministry
5 Ways Your Church Can Have A Major Impact as the New School Year Begins I have always been weird. While most of my childhood...
August 13, 2019
Next Gen
6 Ways to Lead Yourself in College As summer draws to a close and you trade in your long weekdays on the lake for early...
July 30, 2019
Children's Ministry
It’s Just a Phase, So Don’t Miss It. 936 weeks. That’s how long you have from the time a child is born until the time...
July 23, 2019