Category: Uncategorized

Career Advice
What’s the Word Wednesday If sight dictates your hope, the enemy will ensure you see something that steals your faith. – Stephen Chandler, Lead Pastor...
July 22, 2020
Career Advice
What’s the Word Wednesday Don’t just go back to what’s familiar. Don’t just go back to what’s comfortable. Don’t just go back to what’s practical....
July 15, 2020
Career Advice
8 Suggestions for Weary Pastors & Church Leaders I heard it from another pastor today: “I’m just tired.” Shepherding a congregation can be wearisome in...
July 13, 2020
Career Advice
The Future of Jobs in Ministry Let’s all be honest, being in ministry these days has been exhausting. Not only are you preparing to teach and...
July 10, 2020
Career Advice
What’s the Word Wednesday Looking for a church? Ask God for a place to serve, not sit, a place to be courageous, not comfortable, a...
July 8, 2020
Why Women Don’t Like Women’s Ministry Have you ever stood knee-deep in a bad situation, yet believed good could prevail? Have you ever seen a...
April 2, 2018
10 Leadership Tips from the Millennial Generation As a generation known for lack of long-term commitments, Millennials are poor poster children for proven work and...
March 26, 2018
Guest Experience
Your greeting team is one of the most influential parts of church growth. These are the first people that your guests will get to interact...
May 7, 2017
Career Advice
I remember when I first started leading worship… I thought that if I worshiped hard enough, and expressive enough, people would follow my lead. I...
April 17, 2017
I watched a favorite movie of mine the other day:  Hoosiers.  It’s getting a little dated but I still get “all the feels” whenever I...
February 20, 2017