Category: Children’s Ministry

Career Advice
How You Should Craft A Children’s Ministry Director Job Description! Crafting a compelling Children’s Pastor job description requires careful consideration and a clear understanding of...
March 13, 2024
Career Advice
Kids Ministry – Leaving and Starting Well As an Enneagram Type 1, it was important for me to resign from my 12-year kids ministry staff role...
February 21, 2024
Career Advice
8 Tips for Planning Family Ministry in Another Year of Unknowns It is January again. It is time for New Year resolutions and meticulous planning....
February 17, 2021
Career Advice
Thanksgiving Day and Beyond What comes to mind when you think about Thanksgiving Day? For many of us, it would probably be turkey. After all,...
November 26, 2019
Career Advice
12 leadership books every leader should read (my personal all-time top picks) So you’re a reader, but which books can give you the unique insight...
November 19, 2019
Career Advice
30 Ways to Thank Your Team The work of any church is done by an army of dedicated people. Some are staff, some are volunteers—some...
November 12, 2019
Children's Ministry
5 Ways Your Church Can Have A Major Impact as the New School Year Begins I have always been weird. While most of my childhood...
August 13, 2019
Children's Ministry
It’s Just a Phase, So Don’t Miss It. 936 weeks. That’s how long you have from the time a child is born until the time...
July 23, 2019
Career Advice
Preparing for Your Back-to-School Ministry Launch Now that we’re well into the summer, it’s time to talk fall. Depending on where you live in the...
July 16, 2019
Children's Ministry
12 Things to Pray for the Teens in Your Life 1. Pray that your teens will be saved (Rom. 10:1). The deepest cry of your...
May 21, 2019