12 Things to Pray for the Teens in Your Life

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12 Things to Pray for the Teens in Your Life

12 Things to Pray for the Teens in Your Life

1. Pray that your teens will be saved (Rom. 10:1).

The deepest cry of your heart should be that God would save the unregenerate teens you know. Pray for authentic, total heart transformation. That teens will not trust in a memorized childhood prayer or an emotional experience, but will repent of their sins and trust in Christ alone.

2. Pray that your teens will love God’s Word (Psalm 119:9-10).

Pray that God would speak to teens through his Word and bless them with an arresting delight in it. That they would submit every question, decision, and desire to the Bible’s authority and gladly follow its counsel. Also, that they would get into Scripture daily, and that God would teach and strengthen them through it.

3. Pray that your teens will stay in church (Hebrews 10:25).

Pray that God would give them an abiding love for his people and a passion to participate in the community of the local church. That they would prioritize church over work and friends and a thousand other trivial and temporal things. Pray that God would use the local church to equip, encourage, and sanctify them for life.

4. Pray that your teens will have discernment (Rom. 12:2).

Pray that they will know the truth and resist false teaching. That they will be committed to remaining faithful to God’s Word. Pray that they will submit themselves to sound teachers and pastors who are grounded in Scripture.

5. Pray that your teens will follow wise guides (1 Cor. 11:1).

Pray that God would put strong and gracious counselors in their lives who will point them on the right path. That teens will have the humility to listen to their elders. Pray that God will protect them from poor decisions and naïve mistakes.

6. Pray that your teens will fight temptation (1 Cor. 10:13).

Pray that teens will not cave to culture or crushing peer pressure but will stand firm against the temptations they face – sexual temptation, social temptation, digital temptation. That the Holy Spirit would convict them of sin and lead them in righteousness. Pray that teens would joyfully welcome and even pursue accountability.

7. Pray that your teens will make godly friends (Prov. 18:24).

Pray that God would grant them flourishing friendships that will encourage them in the gospel and mature them in their faith. That they will spend time with those who are kind, humble, gracious, and wise. Pray that they will be influenced for lasting good by the people they spend time with.

8. Pray that your teens will pursue healthy relationships (2 Tim. 2:22).

Pray that they would chase and celebrate purity in all of their relationships. That God would grant them a godly spouse and protect them from sexual sin. But pray ultimately that they would love God more intimately and deeply than any boy or girl.

9. Pray that your teens will stand out from the world (Matt. 5:14-16).

Pray that teens will embrace their identity in Christ and wholeheartedly obey him even when it costs them. That they will not be blown by the winds of culture but will risk their reputations to publicly follow Christ. That they would rejoice in their freedom from sin and shine brightly in a dark world.

10. Pray that your teens will endure suffering well (2 Tim 4:5).

Pray that God would teach them trust in Him through their bitterest trials. That they would be sanctified through suffering. Pray that God would use their circumstances to make their faith stronger and happier and more resilient.

11. Pray that your teens will have wisdom (Prov. 3:4-5).

Pray that they will have guidance and direction in the midst of great uncertainty. That God would guard them from fear and anxiety and make them more reliant on him. Pray that whatever he has planned for their futures would bring him glory.

12. Pray that your teens will rise up and do great things for God (1 Tim. 4:12).

Pray that God uses this next generation to do far greater things for his kingdom than your generation. We ask that this next generation learns from both the wisdom and the errors of our elders and boldly rises up to the challenges we’ll face. Pray for this next generation–for we are your next missionaries, your pastors, your professors, your teachers, your politicians, your authors, your parents. And we’re your next church.

Article written for UnlockingTheBible.org by Jaquelle Crowe. Jaquelle a 19-year-old writer from eastern Canada. She’s a graduate of Thomas Edison State University and the editor-in-chief of TheRebelution.com. You can find more of her writing at jaquelle.ca.

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