Category: Church Culture

Church Culture
5 Predictions About The Future Church As We Move Through COVID-19 Not only has the coronavirus pandemic radically changed the world, but it’s also radically...
March 10, 2021
Church Culture
My Church is Not Jolly…What Should I Do? It is likely that you have heard or been involved with a situation that escalated to a...
December 18, 2020
Church Culture
Love Your Church, Not Theirs: 3 Steps to Avoid the Ministry Comparison Trap   I check my social media accounts often. I check them on...
December 15, 2020
Church Culture
5 Marks of Culture in Growing Churches You might have trouble believing this. The culture of your local church is the greatest predictor of potential...
November 16, 2020
Church Culture
Five Ways to Influence Your Community You have heard the question, “What would happen to your neighborhood if the church you served closed tomorrow?” In...
November 4, 2020
Church Culture
Pastor Appreciation Ideas: Over 50 Creative Ways to Bless Your Pastor and Staff The #BlessYourPastor movement was started to provide free grant-funded materials to Christians,...
September 25, 2020
Church Culture
3 Big Shifts in Post COVID-19 Ministry   Crisis changes you. The extent of the change may vary, but a crisis will leave its mark. ...
August 31, 2020