5 Ways To Show Your Staff Appreciation During the Holidays

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5 Ways To Show Your Staff Appreciation During the Holidays

5 Ways To Show Your Staff Appreciation During the Holidays

One of my favorite times of year being on staff at my church was always Christmas. The excitement of the season and the busyness of what needed to be done always made me look forward to the holidays. Despite all of the excitement, there was a lot of sleepless nights and tired energy for an entire month – or more!

What are you doing to show your staff that they’re appreciated during this time of year? What are you doing to thank them for the countless hours they’ve put into children’s productions, worship rehearsal, decorating, or putting together a message? Be sure to support your staff during the holidays. Here are a few ideas:


Set aside time to pray with your church staff. Pray for God to provide the resources and volunteers to keep up with regular church attendance and for special events this time of year. Pray that God would use your staff to reach out to new guests. Pray against stress and frustrations because let’s be real, we all have it! Prayer brings your requests to God and closer as a staff.

Give them some encouragement.

Write an encouraging note or thank you card to let them know that you appreciate the work they’re doing and the time they’re putting forth to create a memory. Let your staff know that you value their work.

Lend a hand.

I know I’m not alone in this but sometimes I hate to ask for help, especially this time of year when everyone is busy. The best thing to hear during times like this is, “What can I do to help you out?” Asking this simple question will go far in showing someone that you care and support them.


Although this may seem like an impossible feat, it’s nonetheless important. Be intentional about creating time for your staff to rest and spend time with their own friends and family during the season. Whether it’s a day off, coming into work later, or leaving earlier – make sure you take care of the physical and emotional health of your staff by allowing them to rest.

Bless them.

If your budget allows, set aside some money to bless your staff with a bonus. Whether it’s a monetary gift, a gift card or something special, giving an end-of-year gift honors their commitment to the church and the sacrifices they have made during the year.

Your church staff is essential for running your programs and services within your church. Don’t rush through the next few weeks and look back and regret not thanking your staff or showing some kind of appreciation. What are you doing to honor some of your staff this Christmas?

Written by Meggan Jacobus. Meggan is the staffing manager at Froot Group, a worship staffing and consulting company.

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