What’s the Word Wednesday

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What's the Word Wednesday

What’s the Word Wednesday

“Save your energy. Guard your time. You’re not supposed to be willing to die on every hill. Just the ones that God has called you to. Those are the ones we need to climb to the pinnacle so that you can plant the stake of truth in the ground. Be wise. Be prayerful. We need you.”

– Get to know Priscilla Shirer by heading to her site and finding out more about her ministry. 

In this day and age, it feels like everyone has a voice about something. Politics, COVID-19, racial injustice, the weather…the list goes on. By scrolling through social media, you can see that people have some pretty strong convictions on just about everything. It’s good to have convictions but when those convictions cause you to not think of others or for you to act unkind, maybe you need to take a step back. Some people get so worked up and I have to ask – is it worth it? Is it worth the damage that your words may cause? Is it worth losing a friend because of their political stance.

Is it worth you not being right just this one time? Evaluate the things you’re saying on social media. Think about the words you’re saying to those around you. Be prayerful about the convictions that you have. Ask God to point out the times and situations that He needs you to be vocal and to stand up. Pray that God would help you speak when you need to speak and listen when you need to listen. Be kind and be respectful!

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