4 Ways to Create Sermon Graphics
Everybody learns differently including the members of your congregation. Some learn with the sound of a voice, while others need something visual to connect the dots. Do not miss this: God’s Word should be front and center during a sermon. A well placed graphic design or sermon PowerPoint can fuel God’s word in the life of a believer. This list is not exhaustive, but here are four easy ways to make sermon graphics stand out.
This one is not revolutionary. However, with minimal knowledge, you can make your sermons stand out. I encourage you to create series templates and then plug in each sermon from there. Time spent upfront creating a compelling look, will save you time down the road.
Many are choosing apps to create graphics. Both of these options offer free options and Canva even offers its premium service to nonprofits for free (insert link). Both of these companies offer their services on mobile and desktop. Creating sermon graphics can be easier and you have more flexibility in your design. You may need this added flexibility if you are seeking to create lower third overlays for your livestream or if you are finishing up the graphic on a tablet on your couch.
This option comes with a hefty price tag, but it may be a resource you already have residing on your hard drive. This is my favorite way to create sermon graphics because I already use the sermon builder to write my sermons. With a few clicks of a mouse, my sermon is formatted for my sermon notes and presentation simultaneously, with minimal extra work. Other options provide you with more customization options, but Logos has well built templates that will give the presentation some flair. Learn more about this here (insert link)
This is another option that costs money, but it is something you may already have on your computer. ProPresenter takes some time to learn, but you may have a tech guy that already understands it well and would be excited to create your sermon presentation. The downside is that ProPresenter is generally located on a stationary computer. However, the right craft may make this a useful resource for you, especially if you are looking to not branch out much and use some stock presentations.
Again, sermon graphics should be secondary to God’s Word. Though, a well placed graphic could stir up someone’s faith because God’s Word convicts them through the graphic.
How do you like to make graphics?
Written by Justin Beville. Justin has been married to Amanda Beville for over six years and has one son named Luke and twin boys, Tucker and Turner! He received his Bachelor’s degree in Christian Studies with a minor in Student Ministry from the College at Southeastern. Justin went on to complete his Advanced MDiv. at Southeastern. He currently serves as the Pastor of Students and Outreach at Kingsland Baptist Church. Like this article? Read more from Justin here!
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