What’s the Word Wednesday
Use your ‘power’ to bless and serve, not manipulate and control.
– JD Greear, Lead Pastor at The Summit Church
How many times have you used your skills and abilities to help someone out? I’m sure, if you’re an average joe, probably more times than you can count. How many times have you used your giftings for bad – to manipulate or to control a situation? I’m sure if we were all honest, we’ve probably done it more times than once.
It’s not something that we’re proud of but because we’re good at something or someone has told us that we’ve excelled at something, we’ve used it for bad rather than for good. When you have a particular gift that God has given you, check your heart and ensure that you’re using what He’s given you is for His glory…not yours. Make sure that you’re using it to bless and serve others instead of shining a light on you to help you get further in a situation.
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