What’s the Word Wednesday

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Desire -VS- Calling

“In the wake of COVID-19, we have a tremendous opportunity to build an army of volunteers and leaders in our church, not just an audience of spectators.”

Todd Adkins, Director of LifeWay Leadership. 

Some may see this time as a stumbling block to their resolutions. Others might see it as an opportunity. This is a very valuable time. Whether you think so or not. COVID-19 has given us a gift. A gift to build on what we didn’t have already. An opportunity to fine tune our skills and abilities. You have volunteers that serve from week to week but did you know that you actually have an untapped army? Use this time to build your army of volunteers. Pour into them and really seek out their passions and what they’re good at.

Originally, one of your volunteers might have just been a 3’s teacher but now, in this time of virtual church, that same person might be a key piece to your ministry. Leaders are arising that normally would have remained in the shadows of the back of the church. Have you found them yet? Have you looked and poured thru your church to reveal these leaders who are among you? Pull out the people that have been spectators – train and invest in them. Today is the day to build an army!

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