Month: March 2024

Work/Home-Life Balance for Church Leaders

A Bigger Picture Of Worship

Work/Home-Life Balance for Church Leaders

Perhaps, we feel that God wants us to sacrifice ourselves for others in need… every time. But look at Jesus. Yes, he made the ultimate sacrifice, yet as he lived, he knew he couldn’t do everything and he rarely hurried.

Many people make compromises when it comes to work/home-life boundaries. They allow time for gym, rest and personal replenishment, but they will put those aside for others, especially in the case of emergencies.

This is how most people operate and it makes sense. We have to make compromises sometimes! We can’t ignore emergencies, we can’t ignore the needs of others, and when these situations arise, it makes sense to draw from personal time.

However, when we do sacrifice our own time, even for very good reasons, we need to remember to balance it out in other ways. If compromising our personal time becomes habitual, then we will eventually find ourselves burnt out and unable to help anyone.

Sacrifice in the World of Christian Leaders

I’ve noticed this is an especially common issue in the world of Christian leaders, where the job is larger than just employment. We are called to be leaders and examples in all aspects of our lives.

Perhaps, we feel that God wants us to sacrifice ourselves for others in need… every time. But look at Jesus. Yes, he made the ultimate sacrifice, yet as he lived, he knew he couldn’t do everything and he rarely hurried. He sometimes took an extra few days to stay with friends, to make time to rest and talk to God, and to relax with his disciples. He had a regular withdrawal process where he took intentional time to replenish himself.

So how can we follow His example? How do we create patterns of replenishment and avoid depletion of resources?

Creating a Balance Between Work-life and Home-life

The more we give our work, the less we are able to give to other aspects of our lives. The more we give to work, the more it dominates our thoughts, wears us out, and drains our energy… we have no time or space for our families, friends, or ourselves. Our relationships suffer and eventually, we suffer too. This is what led to my burnout. The best thing to do is to implement a plan to enable both your work-life and home-life to flourish.

Part 1 – Boundaries

So, what does a good work-life and home-life plan look like? It begins with clear boundaries. Being clear and intentional with your time helps tremendously. Use your work time efficiently and productively, but to the best of your ability, don’t let it come home with you. Rather, spend the time outside of work to focus on relationships or your own well-being.

Meet regularly with your employer, employees, team—whoever you work with—review and clarify everyone’s role descriptions and responsibilities. Clarify due dates for tasks. This way, if something comes up outside of your known responsibilities, you have a valid reason that has been agreed upon by everyone to say “No, I can’t add this extra task to my load. This isn’t in my job description.”

Of course, there will be times when you will say “Yes” because you want to give a little more to bless others, or there’s an unforeseen situation that needs only your attention, but these times will be from the margins of time and energy that you have created by guarding your home/work-life balance.

I try to follow in Jesus’s footsteps. I work hard, but I also take time out. I create a rhythm of  engagement balanced with times of withdrawal to lead a more sustainable life. Most importantly, I give myself permission to rest when I need to, so that when the rubber hits the road, I am ready to help and give my all!

Part 2 – Priorities

It is also important to understand your priorities. My wife, Adrienne, and I decided early on that we wanted our children to be a top priority and we would live life accordingly. We wouldn’t sacrifice our children for work.  This doesn’t mean that we never interrupt family time for crises, but it was a priority and we stuck to our boundaries where we could. I made adjustments to my work-life so that I could pick up the kids from school or be available to have time for them in the evenings.

A healthy home-life leads to a healthier work-life and vice versa. Setting boundaries and prioritizing your life will make your entire life feel less stressful and more fulfilling.


To establish a healthy work/home-life balance, it’s important to step back and evaluate your own patterns and behaviors.

Here are some questions to help you set healthy boundaries and create a better balance…especially as a church leader!

  • What is your well-being plan? How effective is your plan?
  • What are your most important priorities in life? How can you give them the time they need?
  • Who in your life can help you create and keep your boundaries?
  • Where do you see yourself making compromises in your life?
  • Why do you make these compromises? Are they for the right reasons?
  • How can you strengthen your boundaries while still planning for the unexpected?

If you’re looking for an additional resource on maintaining a healthy work/home-life balance as a church leader, my book Burnout and Beyond details my own journey through burnout, and provides some insight and guidance for moving forward. You can get it on Amazon in Kindle and paperback

Article written by: Dr. Don Easton

Article taken from here.

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Maintaining Your Easter Momentum Through Summer

A Bigger Picture Of Worship

Maintaining Your Easter Momentum Through Summer

Summer may bring sunny days and fun-filled vacations, but for churches, it can be a challenging time. With members taking off for travel and relaxation, attendance and engagement levels at church can decrease, resulting in a dip in giving. Everyone calls this season the summer slump. And we even have, too. But we want to equip you for a summer of success, and that starts with talking about the season with hopeful expectancy! Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death,” so we’re calling it quits on the term “summer slump” and instead approaching this season with a positive outlook.

Once that language shift happens, the next step is to turn those words into action! And there’s something you can do today to kickstart a summer of success. By tapping into your data from Easter, you can maintain your Easter momentum all summer long.

A Successful Summer Starts at Easter

Data can be a powerful discipleship tool. In our 2023 State of Church Technology report, Church Management and Donor Software usage has actually increased 4% over the past year, compared to the 19 other tools that stayed the same or fell in usage from the previous year. That’s because donor management (and the data that drives it) helps churches make informed decisions that will help them grow and support their congregants.

With a clear understanding of their data, church leaders connect with their members individually to increase generosity and engagement. Instead of guessing or following the lead of other churches, you can intentionally communicate and nurture your community. The data you collect on Easter (and every Sunday after!) can set your church up for success through the summer season.

Planning for the Summer

Planning for the summer season is just as important as planning for the big holidays like Easter. With many families traveling and taking time off, it’s crucial to have a solid summer plan in place to keep engagement and attendance thriving. Here are 6 ways for churches to start planning for summer now, a successful and impactful season.

1. Refine your hybrid experience

Summer is one of the best times of the year for online worship. While congregants are traveling and vacationing, hybrid worship services offer the flexibility to choose what works best for their schedule and location. It may be time for some spring cleaning when it comes to your hybrid worship! Does your church have good lighting, microphones, and cameras for your streams? Do you have “pre-service” slides with announcements or a countdown for attendees who join before the service starts? Is your stream interrupted by buffering? Are there staff members who are dedicated to audience engagement and responding to questions in the live stream?

Test your live stream before Sunday’s big service to spot any issues. And after Sunday’s service ends, check in with the staff or volunteers overseeing your online audience engagement to see if they have any feedback for ways to continue serving your online members.

2. Develop a summer calendar

With the warm weather coming, summer is full of opportunities for events to foster deeper connections. Before the season starts, plan a few events, from big summer events like VBS and cookouts to smaller church programs like in-person and virtual small groups. But don’t cram your calendar. The biggest mistake churches make in the summer is trying to fill the calendar with activities to make up for the quietness of the season. Families are busy, and that’s okay. Instead of throwing more events at people, join in on the celebrations they already have on their calendars, like the end of the school year celebrations or the 4th of July.

3. Recruit volunteers

Once you have your calendar laid out for the summer, it’s time to enlist some help! Your usual volunteers have been serving all year, and they need a break. Other church members are starting to make plans for their summer, so encourage them to add serving in the church to that list. Announce the volunteer opportunities during your services, emails, and social media. You can also use volunteering as a next step for newbies (like those who attended for the first time on Easter!) to get plugged into your community. Here are 10 steps to give every volunteer what they need.

4. Review and adjust budgets

Summer’s almost here, so we’re almost halfway through the year. Is your giving where you anticipated it would be? Have you run into any new expenses? Take time to review your overall budget and make sure you have funds allocated for your summer events. And based on what you find, you may want to launch a new giving campaign. Whether you need to raise money for an upcoming mission trip or to break ground on a new church building, a fundraising campaign invites people to give over the summer and be a part of something bigger. Plus at the end of the summer you can celebrate the results and show your members the impact of their generosity.

A lot of churches anticipate a slower pace of giving over the summer, but it doesn’t have to be. More and more churches are experiencing steady or increased summer participation and giving because they’re effectively engaging their community members long before June rolls around. And they’re using their data to do it. With deeper engagement all year, members are more likely to stay active, engaged, and generous over the summer months. With an established process to nurture your members, you can say goodbye to sweating and stressing over your budget this summer.

5. Check your tech

Technology plays a crucial role in keeping your community connected, no matter the season. But your church is changing, and tech needs to be able to support that change. It’s the only way to continue growing and reaching your goals.

If you wait until June to check on your church software and it doesn’t meet your needs, you’re stuck with two not-so-great options. You might have to limp along all summer with software you know isn’t supporting your ministry. Or, if you make the switch over the summer, you may find yourself struggling to implement those necessary changes when your congregation is least engaged. Don’t wait until the summer to assess the effectiveness of your tools. Take the time now to ensure that everything is up-to-date, running smoothly, and effectively supporting your ministry before the summer starts. Get started with our blog How To Reevaluate Your Church’s Tech Toolkit to make sure your ministry has the support you need during the summer.

6. Unplug and take a vacation

You may feel like there’s never a good time to take a vacation. There’s a common feeling that the demands of ministry are constant and preparing to take time off may feel like it’s more work than it’s worth. According to Lifeway Research, 84% of pastors say they’re on call 24 hours a day. 53% find the role of a pastor “frequently overwhelming.” That’s why taking a break is so crucial.

Summer is the perfect season to prioritize rest. Follow the rhythm of your church’s calendar, and give yourself a break when ministry work is slowing down. It doesn’t have to be a trip to a tropical paradise (although that would definitely be relaxing!); a staycation can be just as restful. Take some time to enjoy the summer weather, relax, and forget about ministry for a short while. You’ll return from your break renewed and ready to keep growing the Kingdom.

Article written by: Sarah Long

Article taken from here.

How You Should Craft A Children’s Ministry Director Job Description

How to answer "walk me through your resume"

How You Should Craft A Children’s Ministry Director Job Description!

Crafting a compelling Children’s Pastor job description requires careful consideration and a clear understanding of the specific needs and goals of your church. Therefore, here are the essential steps to create an effective job description:

Job Title and Overview

Begin with a clear and concise job title that reflects the role’s responsibilities. Provide a brief overview of the position in church ministry. You’ll want to highlight the importance of nurturing children’s spiritual growth, fostering a safe environment, and managing volunteer teams’ responsibilities. A Children’s Pastor in a church ministry typically works with children from infancy through fifth or sixth grade.


Outline the primary responsibilities of the Children’s Minister. This may include working to prepare curriculum and age-appropriate bible learning activities, overseeing Sunday school programs, organizing special events, coordinating to recruit volunteers, and communicating with parents or guardians.

Qualifications and Experience

Specify the qualifications and experience required for the role. This might include a degree in divinity, theology, or child development. It may also include prior experience in children’s ministry or working with that age group. Also, mention any specific certifications or training desired.

Leadership and Teamwork

Emphasize the importance of leadership and teamwork skills. The ideal candidate should be able to inspire and motivate volunteers, work collaboratively with other church leaders and children’s pastors, and demonstrate strong organizational abilities.

Passion for Ministry and Children

Highlight the need for a deep passion for ministry and a genuine love for working with children in the fifth grade and under age group. The Children’s Pastor should be committed to nurturing the spiritual growth of young individuals and creating a positive and engaging atmosphere for them.

Communication Skills

Mention the significance of effective communication skills, both with children and their parents or guardians. The Children’s Ministry Director should be able to convey information, share the gospel, and address any concerns with clarity and sensitivity.

Creativity and Innovation

Encourage candidates to bring creativity and innovation to their ministry approach. The ability to incorporate fresh ideas and adapt to evolving needs will help the children’s ministry thrive.

Spiritual Life and Values

Express the desire for the Children’s Ministry Director to be a strong spiritual role model for the children. A commitment to living out Christian values and faith is crucial to effectively lead and guide the young members of the church.

Benefits and Compensation

Provide information about the compensation package, benefits, and any other relevant details regarding working hours, vacation time, and potential growth opportunities within the role.

Application Process

Clearly outline the application process, including where and how to apply, the deadline for submissions, and any additional documents required (e.g., resume, cover letter, references). More info on the application process can be found in a later section.

Contact Information

Offer a point of contact for inquiries or further information, such as the church office or an email address designated for job-related communication.

By following these steps and tailoring the job description to your church’s specific needs and values, you will be well on your way to finding a passionate and capable individual to serve as your Children’s Pastor.

Sample Job Description

[Church Name] is a growing faith-based community dedicated to serving God and His people. We are looking for a passionate and dedicated Children’s Ministry Director to join our church community. Responsibilities may include overseeing children’s ministry, managing volunteers, organizing special events, and more. Candidates should have a background in ministry or child development, be able to lead and communicate effectively, and have a deep personal faith.

Key Reponsibilities

Children’s Ministry Director Key Responsibilities

The Children’s Pastor plays a vital role in shaping the spiritual development of children within the church community. Their responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks aimed at providing a nurturing, safe, and engaging environment for young individuals to grow in their faith.

Curriculum Development

Designing and implementing biblically sound curricula for the appropriate age level. Ensuring that bible lessons and activities are relevant, engaging, and aligned with the church’s values and teachings.

Leadership and Team Management

In the leadership role, they are responsible for recruiting, training, and equipping volunteer teams to assist in various aspects of the children’s ministry. Providing leadership, guidance, and support to volunteers to ensure effective teamwork.

Sunday School and Programs Coordination

Overseeing the Sunday school program on Sunday mornings and other children’s programs within the church. Working to plan and oversee special events, outreach events, and outings that foster spiritual growth and build a sense of community.

Pastoral Care for Children

Offering pastoral care and support to children and their families. Being available to listen to children’s concerns, praying with them, and providing guidance in their spiritual journey.

Child Safety and Protection

Implementing and enforcing child safety and protection policies to ensure a secure environment for all children participating in ministry activities.

Communication with Parents/Guardians

Regularly communicating with parents or guardians to keep them informed about upcoming events, curriculum, and their child’s progress and involvement in the ministry.

Outreach and Evangelism

Engaging with the local community to reach out to children and families outside the church, inviting them to participate in ministry activities and events.

Resource Management

Managing the budget and resources allocated to the children’s ministry. Ensuring effective use of resources to achieve ministry objectives.

Spiritual Role Model

Being a positive and Christ-like role model for the children and the ministry team, exemplifying a strong and authentic faith.

These key responsibilities provide a comprehensive outline of the Children’s Ministry Director’s role in nurturing the spiritual growth of children, fostering a love for God and His Word, and cultivating a welcoming and supportive community within the church.

Children’s Pastor Qualifications

Sample Qualifications

The role of a Children’s Minister is significant and requires specific qualifications to effectively minister to the youngest members of the church community. While the exact qualifications may vary depending on the church’s specific needs and requirements, here are some common qualifications that are often sought for a Children’s Pastor position:

A bachelor’s or master’s degree in theology, divinity, Christian education, or a related field provides a solid foundation in biblical knowledge and ministry principles.

Experience in Children’s Ministry

Prior experience working in children’s ministry or working with the Elementary age group is highly valuable. This experience demonstrates an understanding of the unique challenges and dynamics of ministering to children and their families.

Leadership Skills

Strong leadership abilities are essential for overseeing and managing a team of volunteers and staff involved in the children’s ministry. The Children’s Minister should be able to inspire, motivate, and guide the team effectively.

Passion for Children and Ministry

A genuine love for children and a strong passion for ministry are crucial for a Children’s Pastor. This passion drives their dedication to nurturing the spiritual growth of young individuals.

Effective Communication

Excellent communication skills, both with children and adults, are vital for a Children’s Pastor. They must be able to convey biblical teachings in a way that is relatable and understandable to children while also engaging with parents and guardians.

Creativity and Innovation

The ability to bring creativity and innovation to children’s ministry programs and activities helps keep children engaged and interested in learning about their faith.

Child Safety and Protection Training

Knowledge and adherence to child safety and protection policies are critical to creating a safe and secure environment for all children involved in ministry activities.

Team Player

A Children’s Pastor should be able to work collaboratively with other church leaders, staff members, and volunteers to integrate the children’s ministry into the overall vision and mission of the church.

Spiritual Maturity

A deep and growing personal relationship with God, coupled with a commitment to living out Christian values and principles, serves as a strong foundation for effective ministry.

Continued Learning

A commitment to ongoing personal and professional development, attending relevant conferences, workshops, and training, helps a Children’s Pastor stay updated on best practices in children’s ministry.

It’s important to note that while these qualifications are valuable, a heart for serving God and His children is the most significant attribute of a Children’s Pastor. Their genuine love and dedication to nurturing the faith of the youngest members of the church community make a profound impact on their spiritual growth and development.

Application Process

The application process for a Children’s Pastor position should be well-structured and straightforward to attract qualified candidates while efficiently gathering the necessary information for evaluation. Here is a typical application process:

Job Posting and Advertisement

Create a detailed job posting that includes the key responsibilities, qualifications, and information about the church and its children’s ministry. Advertise the position through various channels, such as the church website, social media platforms, denominational networks, and Christian job boards.

Application Submission

Clearly specify how candidates should apply for the position. Provide instructions for submitting their applications, which may include an online application form, email submission, or mailing the required documents.

Required Documents

Outline the documents candidates need to submit, such as a resume, cover letter, references, and any other relevant materials requested by the church.

Initial Screening

Review the received applications to ensure they meet the minimum qualifications and requirements. Shortlist candidates who best align with the position’s criteria for further evaluation.


Conduct initial interviews with the shortlisted candidates. These interviews may be done in person, over the phone, or through video conferencing. Prepare a set of relevant questions to assess the candidates’ qualifications, ministry philosophy, and fit for the church’s culture.

Reference Checks

Contact the references provided by the final candidates to gather insights into their character, work ethic, and ministry effectiveness.

Candidate Assessment

Assess each candidate based on their qualifications, experience, alignment with the church’s values and vision, and feedback from interviews and reference checks.

Offer and Onboarding

Finally, extend an offer to the selected candidate and negotiate the terms of employment, including compensation, benefits, and start date. Once accepted, provide a smooth onboarding process, including introductions to staff and key volunteers.

Especially remember to maintain open communication throughout the application process and show appreciation for the candidates’ interest in serving the children’s ministry. This is because a transparent and well-organized application process will reflect positively on the church and attract dedicated and qualified individuals to lead the children’s ministry with excellence.

Sample Application Process

To apply, please submit the following:

  1. Your resume and/or CV, which should include your education, experience, and ministry background.
  2. Three to five references from previous/current staff such as pastors, elders, etc.
  3. A statement on your personal faith journey and theological beliefs.

We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Tailoring the Children’s Ministry Director Job Description for Your Church

Tailoring the Children’s Ministry Director job description to suit the specific needs and values of your church is essential for finding the perfect candidate. Firstly, begin by aligning the responsibilities with your church’s vision for children’s spiritual growth. Then, emphasize any unique programs or approaches your church employs.

Seek qualifications that complement your congregation’s culture and emphasize the importance of collaboration and team building. Highlight the church’s child safety and protection policies. Customize the job description, because you can then ensure that the Children’s Ministry Director embodies the heart and soul of your church, fostering a thriving and impactful ministry for the youngest members of your community.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hiring a Children’s Pastor

1. How can we ensure the Children’s Pastor is a good fit for our church culture?

During the interview process, assess the candidate’s compatibility with your church’s values, vision, and ministry approach. Make sure to also involve key stakeholders in the evaluation and seek candidates who share your church’s mission.

2. What role does the Children’s Pastor play in the larger church leadership team?

The Children’s Pastor should collaborate with other church leaders to integrate children’s ministry into the overall vision and activities of the church. Additionally, they may participate in planning meetings and contribute to the church’s growth.

3. How will the Children’s Pastor involve parents and guardians in the ministry?

The Children’s Pastor should have a plan to communicate regularly with parents, keep them informed about ministry activities, and involve them in their child’s spiritual journey.

Article written by: Shiloh Kaneshiro

Article taken from here.

19 Vibrant Easter Service Ideas to Bring Life to Your Church

19 Easter Service Ideas to Bring Life to Your Church

19 Vibrant Easter Service Ideas to Bring Life to Your Church


1. Fresh Easter Branding

Having an Easter logo, theme, or fresh branding can help attract attention. Remember that if you don’t have a designated graphic designer on staff, plenty of free and premium resources for church graphics are available.

You can utilize your Easter branding in:

  • Marketing materials
  • Landing page
  • Stage design
  • Service elements
  • Church motion graphics

Easter can be an ideal time to launch a new brand for your church or refresh an existing one.  Or, the branding could be related to your sermon series content. The branding could be tied into an extended sermon series either leading up to or following Easter. This helps you build more long-lasting momentum around the Easter weekend.

2. Set Up an Easter Landing Page

landing page is a single page on your website dedicated to a specific purpose. In this case: Easter! An Easter landing page keeps your information organized. It gives your members an easy place to go for service info and send people they’re inviting.

Before the big weekend, the Easter landing page can help you increase engagement and gather leads, allowing you to grow your community and find out more about who is coming to church. You can also store resources and follow up information on the landing page, such as

  • Sermon notes
  • YouTube videos
  • Devotionals or resources
  • Next steps for connecting to the church
  • Upcoming events

Also, optimize this page for local SEO, using keyword phrases that incorporate your city and location. Think about appealing to people who will be searching for terms like “Easter services near me” or “Easter church services in ____(insert your city).”

And make your Easter experience and service times prominent on your church calendar!

3. Create an Easter Hashtag

Create a hashtag for Easter at your church and use it in your marketing materials and church’s social media pages. Ask people to share what they’re doing on Easter with the custom hashtag.

Hashtags are a fun way to get everyone in your church involved. You can also gather all your hashtagged posts to one place, like Pinterest or Instagram, for an easy way of tracking what’s happening at church. Remember to keep it simple to avoid typos, and clear so people understand what it means.

4. Easy Easter Service Ideas for Invitations

Make it easy for your members to invite people to church on Easter. In the weeks leading up to Easter, you can encourage members to grab posters, flyers, and invite cards to hand out. Don’t forget to include the landing page URL and hashtag in all your print and digital advertising.

Another idea is to supply digital resources to your members, like graphic invites. Give simple scripts for in-person, email, or text invites that members can copy and paste. You can also share Easter invite social media graphics that people can post on their favorite platforms and tag their friends.

5. Distribute Neighborhood Invites

Empower your church members to invite their neighbors! You can create marketing materials for them to post and hand out. Some ideas for spreading the word about your church service include:

  • Easter door hangers
  • Yard signs
  • Posters for bulletin boards and common areas
  • Easter baskets with little goodies and an invitation card

These are just a few examples of how to get the word out and warmly invite new guests to church.

6. Community Outreach

This is a good time of year to think about your community helpers, first responders, teachers, and neighborhood organizations.

Handing out Easter baskets, lilies, or baked goods are all a nice gesture. Or, you can sponsor a breakfast to show appreciation. Teachers, medical professionals, first responders, and a local charity or business are all perfect candidates for an Easter gift.

Although the point of this is to simply serve and express thanks, you should also include information about your service times. People in your surrounding community are waiting for an invitation!

7. Easter Service Project

What about a service project tied to the Easter season? This can be beneficial in many ways, and represents the spirit of loving sacrifice we seek to live out. Everyone loves egg hunts, and perhaps you can provide one somewhere in your community where there is a need or lack of resources. You could partner with a local school or nonprofit for an Easter event, picnic, or another service outreach opportunity.

8. Easter Egg Hunt

Speaking of egg hunts, we’re all familiar with this tradition, but could you brainstorm creative Easter egg hunt ideas to put a unique twist on the event?

In addition to a mad scramble for candy, eggs can be part of various games, scavenger hunts, and contain special high-value prizes.

Timing of your Easter egg hunt can also be strategic. Hosting an egg hunt in the community, or partnering with a community event, prior to Easter provides a good opportunity to invite to Easter services.

Having an egg hunt on Easter weekend itself can also be a draw for families with kids to attend service.

In addition to candy and small toys, creative ideas for your Easter egg hunt can include:

  • lawn games
  • obstacle courses
  • sidewalk chalk drawing competition
  • food trucks
  • petting zoos
  • and other Easter-themed activities

9. Digital Advertising

Digital marketing and online advertising are a must in today’s world! People are constantly on their phones, and this is a primary way for people to communicate.

While traditional advertising methods like mailers, radio, and billboards can still be effective, they can also be expensive.

Digital advertising is a great way to expand your reach cost-effectively. Easter ideas for marketing could include google ads, social media ads, or digital banners in local email newsletters or websites. Read more about different types of social media and digital advertising here.

10. Preparing Hearts and Minds

Many rich traditions are connected to resurrection Sunday. Some denominations (and nondenominational churches) emphasize the preparation time leading up to Easter. People aren’t just looking for a flashy service. They also want to learn, develop, and experience personal spiritual growth. Easter ideas for your church to prepare spiritually in the weeks leading up to the holiday include:

  • A special prayer calendar
  • A Lenten or Easter devotional
  • Some form of fasting
  • A focus on Holy Week and events that took place leading up to Easter Sunday

You can house these resources on your Easter landing page, and distribute them in social media content.

11. Special Service Times

Easter is a great opportunity to add additional services to your regular schedule to expand on the Easter story. Easter ideas for church service times include a mid-week service, an evening service on Good Friday or Saturday, or an Easter sunrise service.

Although an Easter sunrise service is often held outdoors, you could also hold one inside if weather is an issue, or it’s more convenient.

12. Welcome Experience

First impressions are everything! Make it a great guest experience for those attending church services by asking the following:

  • What do people experience from the moment they drive onto your church parking lot?
  • Can they clearly navigate where to park and how to enter the building?
  • Is there a greeter or welcome station where people can get information?

The church environment and experience should be consistent with your marketing and branding. For example, put your Easter logo on your signage. Or ave your volunteers can wear t shirts with the Easter message.

Above, remember the most important factor is a friendly smile and connection. Make sure you have plenty of volunteers available to make Easter service memorable.

13. Children’s Ministry Easter Ideas

Your children’s ministry is absolutely vital for your Easter celebration. Safety is parents’ number one priority. With big crowds on Easter Sunday, make sure you have plenty of kid’s ministry volunteers.

Adjust your check-in and check-out logistics to accommodate more families if necessary.

The kids, on the other hand, are looking for a fun factor. Get them excited in the weeks leading up to Easter Sunday and encourage them to invite their friends. Some Easter service ideas for children’s ministry include:

  • Decorations
  • Interactive plays sharing the message of Easter
  • Outdoor activities such as a bounce house
  • Special musical guests
  • Dressed up characters for entertaining and picture taking
  • Easter-themed games or treats

14. Easter Service Elements

When it comes to your church’s Easter worship service, remember that you’ll probably have people who have never attended church (or haven’t come since Christmas).

So how can you include elements that make the timeless message of Easter come alive for a contemporary audience?

Consider how you can combine foundational truth and beloved traditions with modern methods and creative elements. For example:

  • Musical guests or special musical features
  • Worship songs that exemplify the resurrection message
  • Special stage design
  • A short skit
  • Spoken word
  • Baptism or communion
  • Live or video-based creative storytelling elements
  • Custom graphics and video clips throughout the service

15. Live Stream Your Easter Service

Remember that there are people who can’t be at your Easter service for one reason or another. For example, they may be out of town, have a medical condition that prohibits attendance, or have other reasons for needing to watch from home.

Live streaming church services is here to stay. In today’s world, people expect you to provide an online church option. Make sure to consider both online and in-room audiences as you prepare service elements.

16. Photo Opportunities

When everyone dresses up in their Easter best, it makes for the perfect photo booth opportunity. We know a church family photo booth is nothing new. But people continue to take advantage of Easter photo booths year after year!

After all, people (especially moms) love capturing themed family photos on special occasions. And you can have a professional photographer ready to snap photos of everyone in their Easter best.

Subtly incorporate your church branding or name into the photo booth setup, and encourage people to use the hashtags you came up with as part of your Easter ideas. Then, when people post their photos online (as they’re sure to do), it will help spread the word about your church.

Another approach is to invite photographers and families to take photos at your church in the weeks before and after Easter. You can use an outdoor setting, mural, or photo display or open the doors during certain times to use an indoor display.

Search Pinterest or Instagram for creative Easter ideas for photo backdrops.

17. Water Baptisms

Easter is the perfect time for water baptism. Baptism is a symbol of resurrection and new life, which is the Easter message. People have the opportunity to invite their friends and family not only to a special service, but also to a significant milestone in their faith journey.

18. Giveaways and Goodies

Every great celebration includes treats and gifts. Also, providing a giveaway after service gives people a reason to linger and connect with others.

While food, coffee, sweet tea, and dessert are always popular, you could also consider handing out a physical gift people can take home like t shirts, mugs, or notebooks.

Or, you could also give out a card that can be scanned for a digital resource or download.

19. Follow Up

The ultimate goal is not to set attendance records on Easter Sunday. Rather, it’s to see people commit their lives to Jesus and follow Him every day. So be sure to plan a follow-up for people who make this commitment for the first time or would like to connect more with your church.

Be sure to use a church visitor card to gather contact info for follow-up. After Easter, send an email with resources to help them in their faith journey. These could include:

  • A replay of the service
  • Links to videos or articles
  • Invitation to a small group or connection class
  • Info about upcoming events and gatherings

Article written by: THOMAS COSTELLO

Article taken from here.