Month: January 2020

10 Things That Require Zero Talent

Before the Interview: Essential Tips for Success

10 Things That Require Zero Talent

Success is often mistakenly attributed solely to talent. While talent can certainly play a role, it isn’t the only factor that contributes to achieving success. Many essential behaviors and habits that significantly impact success require no inherent talent at all. These behaviors are within everyone’s control and can lead to substantial personal and professional growth. Here are ten such behaviors that require zero talent but have a huge impact on your success:

1. Being On Time

Being on time shows respect for others and demonstrates your reliability and professionalism. Punctuality is a simple yet powerful way to build trust and establish a positive reputation. By managing your time effectively, you show that you value others’ time as much as your own.

2. Making an Effort

Putting in consistent effort is key to achieving any goal. Whether it’s at work, in personal projects, or in relationships, showing initiative and determination sets you apart. Effort is a choice, and those who consistently put in the effort often achieve greater success than those who rely solely on talent.

3. Having High Energy

High energy levels can be contagious and inspire those around you. Bringing enthusiasm and vitality to your tasks not only enhances your own performance but also positively influences your team. Maintaining high energy is about cultivating a positive mindset and taking care of your physical well-being.

4. Having a Positive Attitude

A positive attitude can make a significant difference in overcoming challenges and achieving success. Optimism helps you stay resilient in the face of setbacks and keeps you focused on finding solutions. Cultivating a positive mindset can improve your overall outlook and enhance your interactions with others.

5. Using Good Body Language

Good body language conveys confidence and openness. Simple gestures like maintaining eye contact, standing tall, and offering a firm handshake can significantly impact how others perceive you. Nonverbal communication plays a crucial role in building rapport and establishing trust.

6. Being Coachable

Being coachable means being open to feedback and willing to learn from others. It requires humility and a desire to improve. Embracing a mindset of continuous learning and growth allows you to adapt and excel in various situations.

7. Doing a Little Extra

Doing a little extra demonstrates your commitment and dedication. Whether it’s staying a bit later to finish a project, helping a colleague, or going beyond what is expected, small acts of extra effort can leave a lasting impression and lead to greater opportunities.

8. Being Prepared

Preparation is key to success. Being prepared shows that you take your responsibilities seriously and are ready to tackle challenges head-on. Whether it’s preparing for a meeting, project, or presentation, thorough preparation enhances your confidence and performance.

9. Having a Strong Work Ethic

A strong work ethic is fundamental to achieving long-term success. It involves dedication, persistence, and a commitment to doing your best work consistently. Those with a strong work ethic are often seen as dependable and are more likely to advance in their careers.

Success is not solely dependent on talent. These ten behaviors—being on time, making an effort, having high energy, maintaining a positive attitude, using good body language, being coachable, doing a little extra, being prepared, and having a strong work ethic—require no special talent but have a profound impact on your success. By incorporating these habits into your daily life, you can enhance your personal and professional growth and achieve greater success.


Looking for a new position? Stop by and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

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7 Skills That an Employer Looks For

5 Ways To Show Your Staff Appreciation During the Holidays

7 Skills That an Employer Looks For

When employers are trying to fill a vacancy, they seek more than just technical skills. While the ability to perform specific job duties is crucial, it’s often the soft skills that distinguish a great employee from a good one. As you prepare for your job hunt, familiarize yourself with these essential skills that employers highly value. You might even discover that you already possess many of these top skills!

1. Communication

Communication is the cornerstone of any successful workplace. Employers look for candidates who can clearly and effectively convey ideas, both verbally and in writing. Strong communication skills facilitate collaboration, enhance productivity, and prevent misunderstandings. Practicing active listening and honing your ability to express ideas concisely will make you a more attractive candidate.

2. Teamwork

The ability to work well in a team is indispensable in most job environments. Employers value individuals who can collaborate, support their colleagues, and contribute to a harmonious workplace. Demonstrating that you can work effectively within a team shows that you are adaptable and can handle various roles and responsibilities.

3. Analytical Skills

Employers seek candidates with strong analytical skills who can assess situations, identify problems, and devise effective solutions. Being able to think critically and analyze information helps in making informed decisions and improving processes. Highlighting your analytical abilities can set you apart as a strategic thinker.

4. Information Technology

In today’s digital age, proficiency in information technology is essential. Employers look for candidates who are comfortable using various software and digital tools relevant to their industry. Staying up-to-date with technological advancements and demonstrating your ability to adapt to new IT systems can significantly enhance your employability.

5. Creativity

Creativity is a valuable skill that drives innovation and problem-solving. Employers appreciate candidates who can think outside the box and bring fresh perspectives to the table. Showcasing your creative abilities can demonstrate your potential to contribute to the company’s growth and success through innovative solutions.

6. Numeracy

Numeracy skills are essential in many job roles, particularly those involving finance, data analysis, and budgeting. Employers look for candidates who can handle numerical data accurately and interpret it to make sound decisions. Highlighting your numeracy skills can prove your capability in managing financial tasks and analyzing data effectively.

7. Ethics

Ethics play a crucial role in any professional setting. Employers value individuals who demonstrate integrity, honesty, and a strong sense of responsibility. Having a solid ethical foundation ensures that you can be trusted to make decisions that align with the company’s values and maintain a professional demeanor.

While technical skills are important, it’s the soft skills that often determine an employee’s success and overall fit within a company. Effective communication, teamwork, analytical skills, IT proficiency, creativity, numeracy, and strong ethics are all highly valued by employers. By developing and showcasing these skills, you can enhance your employability and stand out in the competitive job market.

Looking for a new position? Stop by and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

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5 Things You Should Know About Job Interviews:

3 Elements Every Team Member Needs From Their Leader To Thrive

5 Things You Should Know About Job Interviews

You’ve worked hard on your resume and cover letter, and now you’ve been called in for an in-person job interview. You’re one step closer to landing your dream job. To succeed in the interview and secure the position, it’s crucial to understand and prepare for the key aspects of the process. Here are the most important things to remember:

1. Listening is Half the Battle

In a job interview, listening is just as important as speaking. Active listening involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and remembering what the interviewer says. By listening carefully, you can provide thoughtful and relevant answers, show respect for the interviewer, and pick up on subtle cues about the company culture and job expectations. Remember to nod, maintain eye contact, and provide feedback to demonstrate that you are engaged in the conversation.

2. Research is Vital

Thorough research is essential before any job interview. Understanding the company’s mission, values, products, services, and recent achievements can help you tailor your responses and show that you are genuinely interested in the role. Researching the industry and the specific job position allows you to ask insightful questions and demonstrate your knowledge and enthusiasm. This preparation sets you apart as a serious candidate who is well-informed and ready to contribute.

3. Interviewers Aren’t as Intimidating as You Imagine

It’s natural to feel nervous before a job interview, but remember that interviewers are human too. They are not there to intimidate you but to find the best fit for their team. Approach the interview as a conversation rather than an interrogation. Building rapport with the interviewer can ease tension and make the interaction more comfortable. Smile, be polite, and show genuine interest in the conversation. This mindset shift can help reduce anxiety and improve your performance.

4. Anxiety Goes Away After a Minute

Feeling anxious before and during an interview is common, but that initial nervousness typically fades after the first few minutes. To manage anxiety, practice deep breathing exercises, visualize a successful interview, and prepare thoroughly. Remember that the interviewer understands that candidates might be nervous and won’t judge you harshly for it. As the conversation progresses, you’ll likely become more comfortable and confident, allowing your true self to shine through.

5. Confidence Can Get You the Job

Confidence is a key factor in making a strong impression during a job interview. It conveys that you believe in your abilities and are well-suited for the role. To boost your confidence, practice your answers to common interview questions, dress professionally, and maintain good posture. Speak clearly and assertively, and don’t be afraid to showcase your achievements and skills. Confidence, when balanced with humility, can leave a lasting positive impression on the interviewer.

Succeeding in a job interview involves more than just showcasing your skills and experience. By focusing on active listening, conducting thorough research, building rapport with the interviewer, managing anxiety, and exuding confidence, you can significantly improve your chances of landing the job. Remember, interviews are opportunities to demonstrate not only your qualifications but also your personality and fit for the company culture.

Looking for a new position? Stop by and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

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Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid

Why Women Don’t Like Women’s Ministry

Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid

Job interview mistakes are common but you can ensure they don’t happen to you. Below are the most common job interview mistake, blunders, and errors a candidate for employment can make. It’s easy to make these mistakes without even realizing it— and many of them are more common than you might think. Prepare before your interview so you don’t have to stress out:


Forgetting the Interviewer’s Name

Remembering the interviewer’s name shows respect and attention to detail. It’s easy to forget, especially if you’re nervous, but this mistake can come across as careless. To avoid this, make a note of the interviewer’s name as soon as you receive the interview details. Repeat their name during the conversation to reinforce your memory.

Getting Lost and Arriving Late

Arriving late to an interview can create a negative first impression and signal poor time management skills. To prevent this, plan your route in advance and allow extra time for unexpected delays. If you’re unfamiliar with the area, consider doing a trial run beforehand. Arriving 10-15 minutes early is ideal, as it shows punctuality and enthusiasm.

Blanking on Tough Questions

Even the most prepared candidates can struggle with difficult questions. Blanking out can be unnerving, but it’s important to stay calm. Practice common interview questions and have a strategy for answering unexpected ones. If you do find yourself stumped, take a moment to think, and don’t be afraid to ask for clarification. This demonstrates your ability to remain composed under pressure.

Not Offering References

Employers often request references to validate your qualifications and work history. Not offering references can be a red flag. Prepare a list of professional references ahead of time and bring it to the interview. Make sure your references are aware they might be contacted and are prepared to speak on your behalf.

Not Asking Questions

An interview is a two-way street. Failing to ask questions can indicate a lack of interest or preparation. Come prepared with thoughtful questions about the role, company culture, and next steps in the hiring process. This not only shows your genuine interest in the position but also helps you determine if the company is the right fit for you.

Interviews are your opportunity to showcase your qualifications and fit for the role. By avoiding these common mistakes—forgetting the interviewer’s name, arriving late, blanking on tough questions, not offering references, and failing to ask questions—you can present yourself as a confident and well-prepared candidate. With thorough preparation and a calm mindset, you can navigate the interview process successfully and increase your chances of landing the job.

Looking for a new position? Stop by and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

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How to answer “walk me through your resume”

How to answer "walk me through your resume"

How to answer “walk me through your resume”

When a potential employer asks you to walk them through your resume, it’s your chance to show them who you are and what you’ve achieved. It’s one of the most challenging questions any candidate can face though. With some thought and preparation it’s also your chance to shine.  Here are a few tips to help you take the right approach:


Be brief and articulate

Keep your eyes on the interviewer

Explain yourself

Anticipate what they want to hear

Stay classy

Think big

Looking for a new position? Stop by and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

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Writing a Cover Letter

How to Improve Yourself

Writing a Cover Letter

A cover letter is a tool to introduce yourself in a memorable way when you’re applying for a job. A good cover letter goes over information on your resume and expands this information for the reader. When starting to write any cover letter, it is always best to plan the content of your letter based on the requirements of the you’re applying for. Here are some tips to get you going:


Don’t Stick to a Template

While templates can be helpful for formatting, relying too heavily on them can make your cover letter generic. Personalize your letter for each job application. Tailor your content to reflect the specific requirements of the position and the culture of the company. A customized cover letter demonstrates genuine interest and effort.

Don’t Rehash Your Resume

Your cover letter should complement, not duplicate, your resume. Instead of repeating the details of your work history, highlight key achievements and experiences that are particularly relevant to the job. Use this space to tell a story or provide examples that showcase your skills and how they align with the role you’re applying for.

Don’t State the Obvious

Avoid clichés and statements that add no value, such as “I am writing to apply for the [position] at [company].” Instead, start with a strong opening that captures the reader’s attention. Mention a specific aspect of the company that excites you or a recent accomplishment that makes you a strong candidate.

Do Your Research

Before writing your cover letter, research the company and the role you’re applying for. Understanding the company’s mission, values, and recent projects can help you craft a more relevant and compelling letter. Reference specific details in your letter to show that you’ve done your homework and are truly interested in the position.

Focus on What You Can Offer

Instead of focusing on what the job will do for you, emphasize what you can bring to the company. Highlight your skills, experiences, and attributes that make you the ideal candidate. Be specific about how you can contribute to the company’s success and solve potential problems.

Writing a cover letter requires thought and preparation. By avoiding templates, not rehashing your resume, steering clear of obvious statements, conducting thorough research, and focusing on what you can offer, you can create a cover letter that stands out. This personalized approach not only showcases your qualifications but also demonstrates your genuine interest and enthusiasm for the role.


Looking for a new position? Stop by and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

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6 Tips on Becoming Irreplaceable

6 Tips on Becoming Irreplaceable

6 Tips on Becoming Irreplaceable

Be the kind of employee that your boss would be crazy to let go of because you’re too valuable. In other words, make yourself irreplaceable! Looking for a new position when you’re unemployed isn’t fun. To be irreplaceable, you have to be more than just great at your job (although that helps). Here’s how you can become employee of the month:

1. Have a Good Attitude

A positive attitude can make a huge difference in the workplace. Employees who maintain a cheerful demeanor, even in challenging situations, contribute to a more pleasant work environment. Being optimistic, cooperative, and supportive makes you a valuable team player and someone colleagues and supervisors enjoy working with. Positivity can be contagious, leading to higher morale and productivity within the team.

2. Become a Problem Solver

Employers highly value employees who can identify problems and come up with effective solutions. Cultivating strong problem-solving skills shows that you can handle unexpected challenges and contribute to the company’s success. Approach problems analytically, think outside the box, and propose innovative solutions. Being proactive in solving issues demonstrates your commitment to improving processes and outcomes.

3. Be Present

Being present means more than just showing up physically; it involves being mentally and emotionally engaged in your work. Pay attention to details, participate actively in meetings, and show genuine interest in your projects. Reliability and consistency are key components of being present. When you are fully engaged, you demonstrate that you are dedicated to your role and the success of the team.

4. Exceed Expectations

Consistently exceeding expectations is a surefire way to become irreplaceable. Go above and beyond in your duties by delivering high-quality work, meeting deadlines, and contributing more than what is required. By taking the initiative to do more than the minimum, you show that you are committed to excellence and willing to invest extra effort to achieve outstanding results.

5. Show Initiative

Taking initiative means being proactive rather than waiting for tasks to be assigned. Look for opportunities to improve processes, volunteer for new projects, and take on additional responsibilities. Demonstrating initiative shows that you are a self-starter and a leader who is capable of driving change and contributing positively to the organization. It indicates that you are invested in the company’s success and willing to step up when needed.

6. Be Good at Many Things—or Really Good at One Thing

Being versatile and skilled in multiple areas can make you an invaluable asset to your team. Employees who can wear many hats are often relied upon to handle a variety of tasks and projects. Alternatively, being exceptionally skilled in one area can also make you irreplaceable. Developing deep expertise in a specific field positions you as the go-to person for that particular area, ensuring that your unique skills are indispensable.

Becoming irreplaceable in the workplace involves more than just performing your job well. By maintaining a positive attitude, solving problems, being present and engaged, exceeding expectations, showing initiative, and either being versatile or highly specialized, you can significantly increase your value to your employer. These tips will not only help you secure your position but also pave the way for future career advancement.

Looking for a new position? Stop by and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

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How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter: Top Tips for Job Seekers

Why a Jam-Packed Fall Ministry Calendar Might Be a Warning Sign

How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter: Top Tips for Job Seekers

If you’re applying for a job, you may be wondering about some tips on how and when to write a cover letter. Not all jobs require a cover letter, but where a cover letter is required, writing a well-crafted letter can be a key part of landing an interview. Here are a few tips that will help you write the perfect cover letter:

Customize Each Cover Letter

One size does not fit all when it comes to cover letters. Each job application is unique, and your cover letter should reflect that. Take the time to customize each cover letter for the specific job you are applying for. Highlight relevant skills and experiences that match the job description. This demonstrates to the employer that you have taken the time to understand the role and how your background makes you a great fit.

Less is More

A cover letter should be concise and to the point. Employers often have to sift through many applications, so a clear and succinct cover letter can make a strong impression. Aim for no more than one page, focusing on the most important aspects of your experience and how they relate to the job. Avoid unnecessary details and keep your writing focused and impactful.

Complete the Statement “I Like Your Company Because…”

Expressing genuine interest in the company can set your cover letter apart. Complete the statement “I like your company because…” to show that you have researched the company and understand its values, culture, and goals. This not only demonstrates your enthusiasm for the role but also your commitment to becoming a part of the team. Be specific about what attracts you to the company and how you see yourself contributing to its success.

Don’t Duplicate Your Resume

Your cover letter should complement, not duplicate, your resume. While your resume lists your qualifications and experiences, your cover letter is an opportunity to tell a story about those experiences and how they make you the ideal candidate. Use the cover letter to provide context and highlight specific achievements that are relevant to the job. This helps the employer see the value you bring beyond what is listed on your resume.

Keep It Conversational

While maintaining professionalism, your cover letter should have a conversational tone that makes it engaging and easy to read. Avoid overly formal language and jargon. Instead, write as if you are having a conversation with the hiring manager. This approach can make your cover letter more relatable and memorable. Be authentic and let your personality shine through while keeping the content relevant and professional.

Writing the perfect cover letter involves more than just summarizing your resume. By customizing each letter, keeping it concise, expressing genuine interest in the company, providing unique insights, and maintaining a conversational tone, you can create a compelling cover letter that stands out to employers. Take the time to craft a well-written cover letter, and you’ll increase your chances of landing that coveted interview.

Looking for a new position? Stop by and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

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7 Reasons Why Great Employees Stay

Letters from a Pastor’s Daughter

7 Reasons Why Great Employees Stay

No matter what kind of job you have, we all face workplace struggles. The reasons great employees stay go beyond the obvious. From a 30,000-foot viewpoint, great employees stay because of what surrounds them, encourages them, nurtures them, pushes them, cares for them, and rewards them. It’s not all about the money though! Here are the top 7 reasons why great employees stay:

1. Paid Well

Being paid well is one of the fundamental reasons employees remain with a company. Competitive salaries ensure that employees feel valued for their work and are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere. Fair compensation is a basic necessity that builds the foundation for job satisfaction.

2. Appreciated

Employees who feel appreciated are more likely to stay with a company. Regular recognition and positive feedback from management help build a supportive and motivating work environment. Simple gestures of appreciation can significantly boost morale and loyalty.

3. Listened To

Great employees stay when they feel their voices are heard. Encouraging open communication and actively listening to employees’ ideas and concerns fosters a culture of respect and inclusion. When employees feel their input matters, they are more engaged and committed to the organization.

4. Promoted

Opportunities for career advancement are crucial for retaining top talent. Employees are more likely to stay if they see a clear path for growth within the organization. Internal promotions not only reward hard work but also inspire others to strive for excellence.

5. Involved in Decisions

Involving employees in decision-making processes enhances their sense of ownership and responsibility. When employees are included in important decisions, they feel more connected to the company’s mission and goals, leading to higher levels of commitment and satisfaction.

6. Mentored

Mentorship provides employees with guidance, support, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Effective mentoring programs help employees navigate their career paths, develop new skills, and feel more confident in their roles. This support system can significantly increase employee retention.

7. Challenged

Employees who are consistently challenged are more engaged and motivated. Providing opportunities for skill development and tackling new challenges keeps work interesting and fulfilling. Employees who feel intellectually stimulated are more likely to stay with a company that continuously pushes them to grow.

Great employees stay with organizations that offer more than just competitive salaries. They seek environments where they feel appreciated, listened to, promoted, involved in decisions, mentored, and challenged. By fostering a supportive and inclusive workplace culture that addresses these key factors, companies can retain their top talent and ensure long-term success.


Looking for a new position? Stop by and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

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10 Habits you Should Break to be More Productive

How to Hold Church Staff Accountable in a Hybrid Work-from-Home Arrangement

10 Habits You Should Break to be More Productive

Nothing sabotages your productivity quite like bad habits. We all have habits that we should break to become more productive. They creep up on you slowly until you don’t even notice the damage they’re causing. Bad habits slow you down, decrease accuracy, make you less creative, and stifle your performance. It’s time to get control of your bad habits!

1. Impulsive Web Browsing

Impulsive web browsing is one of the biggest productivity killers. It’s easy to get lost in an endless cycle of checking social media, news, or random websites. This habit not only wastes time but also disrupts your concentration. Set specific times for web browsing and use tools like website blockers to keep you focused on your tasks.

2. Multitasking

Many people believe that multitasking can help them get more done, but it often leads to decreased productivity. Switching between tasks can reduce the quality of your work and increase the time it takes to complete each task. Focus on one task at a time to improve efficiency and produce better results.

3. Actively Checking Email

Constantly checking your email interrupts your workflow and makes it difficult to stay focused. Set specific times during the day to check and respond to emails. This will help you stay on top of your inbox without letting it control your day.

4. Putting Off Tasks

Procrastination is a common habit that can severely impact your productivity. Putting off tasks until the last minute often leads to rushed, subpar work. Break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and tackle them one at a time to overcome procrastination and maintain steady progress.

5. Too Many Meetings

Too many meetings can eat up valuable time and disrupt your workflow. Evaluate the necessity of each meeting and try to consolidate or eliminate unnecessary ones. Make meetings more efficient by setting clear agendas and sticking to the scheduled time.

6. Sitting All Day

Sitting for long periods can lead to physical discomfort and decreased productivity. Incorporate short breaks to stand, stretch, or walk around throughout your day. This can help refresh your mind and body, leading to better focus and efficiency.

7. Hitting the Snooze Button

Hitting the snooze button can make you feel groggier and reduce your productivity in the morning. Try to get up as soon as your alarm goes off to start your day on the right foot. Establishing a consistent morning routine can help you feel more energized and ready to tackle your tasks.

8. Failing to Prioritize

Not prioritizing your tasks can lead to inefficiency and missed deadlines. Use tools like to-do lists or priority matrices to identify and focus on your most important tasks first. This ensures that you spend your time and energy on activities that have the biggest impact.

9. Over Planning

Keyword: Action-Oriented, Planning vs. Doing, Productivity Techniques
Hashtag: #ActionOriented #PlanningVsDoing #ProductivityTechniques

While planning is essential, over-planning can lead to analysis paralysis, where you spend too much time planning and not enough time doing. Create a balance by setting a reasonable amount of time for planning and then taking immediate action on your tasks.

10. Under Planning

On the flip side, under-planning can result in disorganization and missed deadlines. Take the time to outline your tasks and set clear goals to stay on track. Proper planning helps you manage your workload effectively and ensures that you meet your deadlines.


Breaking these bad habits can significantly improve your productivity. By focusing on one task at a time, managing your email effectively, prioritizing your tasks, and maintaining a healthy balance between planning and doing, you can enhance your performance and achieve your goals. Start small, be consistent, and watch your productivity soar.

Looking for a new position? Stop by and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

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