Month: February 2024

5 Mistakes Churches Make When Preparing for Easter

5 Mistakes Churches Make When Preparing for Easter

5 Mistakes Churches Make When Preparing for Easter

It takes a lot of work to prepare for Easter services. There are more people attending church this weekend than any other time of year—making your Easter sermon and worship service both an annual challenge and a huge opportunity.

That’s why it’s so vital that your team is firing on all cylinders as you prepare. You want to make the most of this opportunity, and that means you need to think through every aspect of the service.

Here are five mistakes you’ll want to avoid as you prepare for your Easter sermon.

1. Not planning for enough people

Whether your church has been continually growing since Christmas or you’ve had about the same number of people for months, it can be hard to anticipate how many more will show up for Easter. Not only will more of your members show up, but their friends and family are more receptive to invitations, and you’re also bound to have some visitors who simply wanted to be at a church for Easter.

More people means more cars, more kids, more seats, more coffee, more foot traffic, more bulletins, more everything.

Your team needs to look at past Easter services, recent growth trends, and your current member count to estimate the number of people you’ll need to prepare for. Then you need to think through the implications that number has for your children’s ministry, your parking situation, the flow from your foyer to your sanctuary, etc.

How many more volunteers do you need on hand? Do you need to make other parking arrangements? Do you have overflow seating?

Drastically changing the number of people in your facility may change the way you have to use your space. Your team needs to be prepared for that. To discover how your church can best prepare for the Easter crowds and even pack out this year’s service, check out the free ebook, How To Fill Up Your Church This Easter.

2. Trusting unreliable tech

Imagine: You have more people attending your church than you’ve ever had before. Everything is going great—until your presentation software crashes. Or your buggy kid check-in software goes down…again. All of these things contribute to people’s experience of your church and can affect whether or not they come back.

So if you’ve been on the fence about making upgrades, now’s the time. Download the free ebook, Church Technology’s Buyer’s Guide today for a comprehensive technology purchaser checklist.

3. Not offering digital giving

You’re going to have more people in attendance than any other time of the year. Even if you tell visitors not to put anything in the offering plate (besides contact cards, of course), you can expect increased giving because more of your members will be here on this weekend.

But if you don’t have an online giving solution, you’re leaving money on the table. People carry less cash and write fewer checks, but the vast majority of American adults carry a credit or debit card. Digital transactions have already become the norm, but many churches are lagging behind. They expect people to prepare for the offering by stopping at an ATM or grabbing their checkbook (which they almost never use).

If you don’t offer digital giving, there will be people who feel led to give but can’t—not because they don’t have money, but because you can’t accept their money.

4. Not having a follow-up plan

What happens after your Easter service? How do you get all those visitors to come back? And what are you going to do with all those contact cards?

Some of your visitors may come back on their own. But if you don’t have a clear follow-up plan in place (like an email series), you’re not making the most of this opportunity. In order to maximize the number of people who return after their experience on Easter, you need to think about the most appropriate next step for them to take, and the best way to tell them about it.

What do you want visitors to know about your church? How will you encourage them to make you a regular part of their weekend? Make sure your church is ready for the post-Easter period long before Easter actually rolls around.

5. Starting preparations too late

When you’ve been doing Easter services for years (or even decades), it’s easy to feel like you don’t need as much time to prepare as you used to. It’s not your first rodeo. You know how long things take and you’ve had plenty of practice.

But Easter is such a big opportunity for ministry that most churches start preparing months in advance—especially more seasoned teams.

Regardless of how experienced your staff is, things like recruiting volunteers, securing additional parking, preparing a knockout Easter sermon, upgrading tech, and designing the perfect follow-up plan simply take time. If you start too late, things are going to fall through the cracks. Someone’s going to forget something. Or you’ll encounter problems you don’t have time to solve.

Focus on what you can control

Some mistakes can’t be helped. Especially when your staff and volunteers are under extra pressure. But with good preparation, and by focusing on the things you can actually control, you’ll ensure your team makes as few mistakes as possible—so you can take advantage of this opportunity to share the gospel and celebrate the resurrection with your congregation.

To discover how your church can prepare for a successful, packed out service this Easter, download the free ebook, How To Fill Up Your Church This Easter, today.

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Article taken from here.

Kids Ministry – Leaving and Starting Well

Preparing for Your Back-to-School Ministry Launch

Kids Ministry – Leaving and Starting Well

As an Enneagram Type 1, it was important for me to resign from my 12-year kids ministry staff role the “right” way. But even thinking about quitting felt “wrong.” I’d vacillate between the pull I felt like God was drawing me towards then I’d picture the faces of some of the most amazing volunteers you’ve ever met. I’d think about healthier rhythms for my next season of life and then think of the kids I’d watched grow from kindergarteners who answered “Jesus” to every question, to preteens I’d baptized, to middle-schoolers leading our kids in worship each Sunday. Is there a right way to walk away from such an important role that we love, but feel our season is changing?

There’s probably not one “right” way to leave a job, but there are certainly many “wrong” ways. Ministry transitions are delicate. It feels like there’s a lot at stake, but there are a few questions you can ask to transition well, questions like . . .

How can I leave well?

How can I set up the next kids ministry leader to win?

How can the church champion the next kids ministry leader to win?

How can I start well in a new ministry role (if applicable)?

…and more.

There’s not enough space on your screen to answer these questions in this blog alone so if you’re just skimming, I’d strongly encourage you to take the time to read through our Leaving (And Starting) Well in Kids Ministry resource.

But here are a few basic things to consider, and of course, it’s a list of Dos & Don’ts because, remember? Enneagram Type 1. Okay, back to it..


  • Invite your supervisor into feelings of restlessness or frustration before making any decisions. If safe to do so, attempt to resolve tension and conflict that may be limiting your perspective.
  • Write an honorable resignation letter.
  • Be prepared to be told it is your last day when you turn in your resignation letter.
  • Complete any paperwork or exit interviews asked of you.
  • Create a transition team.
  • Clean out your desk and office and organize supply closets/ministry spaces.
  • Leave a programming schedule so your replacement can choose to keep Sundays feeling the same for the kids.
  • Develop a communication plan for how you (and other staff) will communicate the transition to people.
  • Take the high road in all conversations and interactions.
  • Allow those you work with (leaders, co-workers, volunteers, etc.) to honor you adequately (this is closure for them too).
  • Thank everyone you can, including every single volunteer, and cheer for what’s coming next.



Sorry to say “don’t” so many times, but without it, might you think it’s just another do list? 

  • Don’t rush your transition, and don’t drag it out.
  • Don’t stop working hard just because you know you are leaving.
  • Don’t leave before all your commitments are fulfilled.
  • Don’t leave gaping holes by leaving right before a big event.


See? All those words, and we haven’t even gotten to Starting Well. Again, this free resource can help!

The truth is, I know that many of these ideas work best in a healthy church setting. And, if you’re leaving a toxic culture, it may not be possible to do all of these things the way you’d ultimately want to. It’s also true that if you’re starting somewhere new, there may be a moment where you realize there isn’t much you can do to start the way you may have hoped. If any of that is the case for you, I’m sorry. If you need someone to vent to, your Orange Specialist is a great person to process with or please feel free to reach out to me

Transitions are never easy and rarely fun. The fact that ministry is so relational and kids can have difficulty understanding changes can make this even more challenging. Thank you for doing what you’re doing. Thank you for investing in the faith and future of the next generation. It has mattered and will continue to matter long after you’ve moved on to what’s next.

Article written by: Phil Summers

Article taken from here.

9 Powerful Prayers for New Jobs and Employment

3 Big Shifts in Post COVID-19 Ministry

9 Powerful Prayers for New Jobs and Employment

Whether you’re a fresh graduate or a career shifter, job searching can be stressful. Sometimes, the stress pulls you down, and you lose hope of getting that perfect job opportunity. Fortunately, you’re never alone in this. God has a plan, and by asking for His guidance, you can land a job that’s right for you.

Read on for prayers you can use when job searching and preparing for interviews!

What the Bible Says About Careers and Employment

By serving our bosses and employers, we also serve God, as stated in Colossians 3:23-24: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

By working, you bless yourself and others. Whether you’re teaching kids how to read or helping people bag their groceries, you’re improving the lives of the people around you.

Bible Verses About Job Changes

Changing jobs and switching careers can be stressful. If you’re finding the process discouraging, read these encouraging Bible verses for employment breakthroughs and job changes.

  • Jeremiah 29:11: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”
  • Psalm 32:8: ”I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”
  • Matthew 6:34: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Bible Verses for New Jobs

Starting a new job can be as nerve-wracking and scary as the job search itself. Here are some Bible verses to read for encouragement:

  • Philippians 4:13: “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
  • Titus 2:7-8: “In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.”

Bible Verses About Hiring Employees

As a business owner, you must hire the right people and treat your workers fairly. These Bible verses will guide you to choose the best employee for the job and treat them with respect:

  • Proverbs 26:10: “Like an archer who wounds at random is one who hires a fool or any passer-by.”
  • Leviticus 19:13: “‘Do not defraud or rob your neighbor. Do not hold back the wages of a hired worker overnight.’”

Prayers for Finding a New Job

Matthew 7:7-8 exhorts us to come to God in boldness when we’re making a request: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” If you are asking God for a job, know that He is more than capable of providing for you.

If you’re a job seeker who’s asking, “What does God want me to do for a career?” Read Bible verses about praying for a job to encourage yourself. You can also say these prayers:

Praying for a Suitable Job

“Dear Lord, this day I humbly ask You for a job suited to my needs. Lead me to work that’s fulfilling and useful for others. Just like You are my rock, I ask that You provide me with a stable job.

God, I ask You for a job where I can put my skills and talents to good use. Please, bless me with enough to put food on my family’s table and give back what is due to You.

I promise to always remember You when job opportunities come knocking. May Jesus bless me and unemployment become a thing of my past. Amen.”

Praying to Overcome Employment Obstacles

“Dear God, I am weary of being unemployed for a long time. Please, help all future employers to see me for my skills and talents.

I speak out against all injustice, favoritism, and prejudice in the workplace because it is not the Christian way. I will trust in You to provide me with a breakthrough in my employment. Amen.”

Praying for the Right Career Choice

“Dear God, I come to You because You are all-knowing and always want the best for me. Today, I’m looking for guidance and understanding about which career path is the best for me.

I am aware that my understanding is limited, but You understand everything. Please guide my footsteps and help me choose the right career so I can help others and earn an honest living.

Dear God, I trust in Your judgment to show me the best path at this juncture of life. Please give me a sign, so I understand what to do next. Amen.”

Prayers for Before and After Job Interviews

Sending an application and going to job interviews can be as stressful as searching for work. Here are three prayers to help you weather this storm:

Prayer After Submitting an Application

“Dear God, I come to You for Your help in my time of need. You told us to ask, and You shall give it; that is why I pray today. Earlier, I submitted my application for a job where I hope to be useful to others and glorify Your name in everything I do.

I pray for Your favor on my work application and that my potential employers will look upon it favorably. God, shower me with Your blessing so my work application is acknowledged and opens the door of opportunity for me. Amen.”

Prayer to Prepare for a Job Interview

“Dear God, I bow before You to humbly ask for guidance and support for this upcoming job interview. I pray that You will make my interviewers see my honesty, integrity, and ambition and seriously consider me for this position.

I ask for Your guidance in answering my interviewers’ questions because everything good comes from You and I can’t do this on my own. God, help me say the right things at the right time so they see why I’m the best candidate for the job. Amen.”

Prayer After a Job Interview

“Dear God, I thank You for guiding me during the interview. Now, I humbly return to You to guide the interviewers’ thoughts so that I stand out among all the other candidates. May You help the interviewers see my strengths and consider me one of their top candidates. Amen.”

Prayers for Starting a New Job

We always need God’s guidance, even when we’ve already started at our new job, because we may stray on the wrong path without Him. Here are some prayers to read when asking for God’s grace at your new workplace:

Prayer After Being Accepted

“Dear God, thank You for providing me with this job. Whatever the work, I know I am blessed because You gave it to me. Today, I pray to You for guidance and assistance so that I can succeed in my new career. If I receive a promotion, a raise, or a commendation, I trust it will be through Your guidance. Amen.”

Prayer for Your First Day on the Job

“Dear God, as I start my new job, I thank You for providing me with the opportunities that led to this. I ask for help honoring You through my work, whether through my actions or speech.

God, give me endurance and a strong will so I can give my employers my all. Please also grant me the obedience and respect to serve my bosses, knowing that by honoring them, I also honor You. Amen.”

Prayer to Fight Feelings of Inadequacy at Work

“Dear God, I understand that I can do everything through Your strength. Today, I humbly ask for confidence to stave off these feelings of inadequacy as I do my daily work.

God, protect me from self-judging and self-measurement. Instead, give me the ability to help others in my job. Amen.”

Closing Thoughts

Searching for jobs or starting a new one is often stressful and nerve-wracking. However, don’t forget that God is with you every step of the way. If you feel yourself starting to drown in stress, stop to say a prayer or read a Bible verse to remind yourself that God is always there to help.

Article written by:

Article taken from here.

Preparing a Powerful Easter Service as a Worship Pastor

What Do I Need To Know About In-Ear Monitors?

Preparing a Powerful Easter Service as a Worship Pastor

Easter is a great day for celebration in the church! It’s also a great day for a gallon of coffee, nerves, anxiety, and stress… If you’re a worship pastor of course.

We kid, but if you are a worship pastor, you can probably relate on some level. The only reason those of us in the church get stressed about Easter is because we recognize how important of a holiday it is. There’s going to be people in the seats/pews that don’t normally attend church, and this is there chance to hear the Good News – perhaps for the first time!

That’s exciting, but it’s a big responsibility to bear. You probably have a lot on your plate, and it can be difficult to figure out what the most important tasks are to get done first. So if that’s where you’re at right now, here are ways that you can adequately prepare for Easter church services as a worship pastor!

Be on Top of the Schedule

You need to figure out scheduling details far in advance to Easter services. While it may be easy to find band members last minute for regular Sundays, people take time off for spring break and go out of town. If you aren’t on top of the schedule for Easter weekend, you’re going to be in a last-second pinch trying to find musicians.

Also, while you’re not “technically” supposed to have favorites, you know which of your team members are most talented and come most prepared to rehearsals. Try to touch base with all volunteers that you most want to be a part of Easter service far in advance to lock them in for the weekend! Easter is an important weekend for everyone – including the band – to put their best foot forward in providing an incredible worship experience for the congregation.

Get Creative with the Music

Easter is a great Sunday to not follow your typical: “2-songs, worship words, offering song” pattern. Not only are you trying to make the service unique and engaging for new attenders – you’re also trying to tell a story. That alone sets up a great canvas for creativity in your worship songs.

Before searching for songs, talk with your pastor to figure out what you want the overarching “vibe” and atmosphere to be on Easter. Are you going to go with a stripped acoustic folk type of setting, or an upbeat “Hillsong Young & Free” type of vibe?

Also, get really creative with transitions. Easter is not the time for awkward dead silence and capo changes between songs. If you’re using tracks, trying setting them up to seamlessly run into each other. If not, plan for the band to carry those transitions with swells between songs to make everything seamless.

Find Engaging Visual Media

Easter is a time to have fun with your church’s visual media – whether that’s mini-movies or motion backgrounds for lyric screens. Just have fun with it! Find stuff that compliments your stage design and lighting choices for each song. Look for vibrant backgrounds and try to choose media that accompanies the mood of each song.

We’ve created several collections, such as Paint FlowPaint Swirl, and Vapor that are vibrant and versatile in mood through different available speeds and colors.

Rest and Prepare Your Heart

None of this matters if you show up on Easter Sunday exhausted, groggy, and frustrated. And trust us – if you don’t get the rest you need and prepare your heart in advance, you absolutely will. You want to be excited and present on Sunday morning. Your worship team feeds off of it. Your staff feeds off of it. The congregation notices and responds to it.

Do what you need to be at your best on Easter Sunday, because your mood contributes so much to the atmosphere and emotions of everyone else there. Get a full 8-hours of sleep that week. Spend time in prayer and in Scripture, reflecting on the importance of this season and reminding yourself of why this day is so important and exciting to be a part of. Recognize the blessing you have to be a part of it and show up on Sunday ready to focus all your attention on making the experience incredible for everyone there!

Article written by: Emma Tarp

Article taken from here.