Day: January 14, 2020

How to Rock a Phone Interview

You’ve got an interview lined up, and you’re trying to get ready so you can rock it. Be sure to give it the same level of importance as a regular face to face interview. Though it may not seem as meaningful as an on-site interview, employers use phone interviews as a way to weed out candidates before meeting face-to-face, so make sure you’re as ready as you can be.


Here are some tips to get you ready for your phone interview:

– Add the interview date/time to your calendar.

– Avoid distractions – take the call in a private place.

– Remain calm and speak at a moderate pace.

– Anticipate the question you might be asked.

– Keep a glass or bottle of water close by.

– Prepare to talk about salary and work history.

– Compile a list of questions to ask.

– Thank the interviewer for their time.

Find some more tips here!

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