Category: Pastors

Church Culture
Pastor Appreciation Ideas: Over 50 Creative Ways to Bless Your Pastor and Staff The #BlessYourPastor movement was started to provide free grant-funded materials to Christians,...
September 25, 2020
Three Thoughts About Your Next Hire If you’ve been involved in ministry for very long, you know that people come and go. And not just...
August 21, 2020
Career Advice
What’s the Word Wednesday Power, approval, comfort, and control are meta-idols that hold sway over our daily lives – Timothy Keller, Founder of Redeemer Presbyterian...
August 12, 2020
Career Advice
5 Signs You May Be Growing Weary as a Leader and What To Do About It Ministry is full of amazing moments where we get...
August 10, 2020
How to Livestream your Worship Service Ever think your pastor would come to you requesting a list of equipment to purchase for livestreaming that could...
August 7, 2020
Career Advice
What’s the Word Wednesday Use your ‘power’ to bless and serve, not manipulate and control. – JD Greear, Lead Pastor at The Summit Church How...
August 5, 2020
Career Advice
10 Questions to Ask a Search Team Through my years of working with churches and candidates, I have gone over the do’s and don’ts of...
July 31, 2020
Career Advice
Why Churches Need Worship Leaders More Than Ever It’s been almost 5 months. Nothing could have prepared us for how quickly our weekend services and...
July 24, 2020
Career Advice
What’s the Word Wednesday If sight dictates your hope, the enemy will ensure you see something that steals your faith. – Stephen Chandler, Lead Pastor...
July 22, 2020
Career Advice
Redeploying Staff or High-Level Leaders During COVID-19 COVID-19 has meant lots of change for your church. One issue you may be facing is redeploying staff....
July 19, 2020