Not Your Typical Family Ministry Blog!

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Not Your Typical Family Ministry Blog!

Not Your Typical Family Ministry Blog!

If the title didn’t give it away, I don’t know what will! Instead of writing a blog a few paragraphs long that has insight from someone you have probably never heard of before, I thought it would be great to hear from our audience on That’s right, we want to hear from YOU! As our parent company Froot Group Staffing just announced the launch of their Family Ministries department, we want to learn more about what ministry workers in family ministries are dealing with on a weekly basis and how you are overcoming obstacles!

As our organization is set up to help candidates in transition find a new fit, we also want to resource those that are in ministry. Our goal is to learn and grow in our understanding of how you as a family ministry staff member at a church deal with certain issues within your ministry.

We will not publish your answers, but discuss them internally in order to coach our candidates better. Read through some of the questions below and feel free to submit some or all answers to the questions we are curious to learn more about through this link: Family Ministries Questionnaire!

Question #1: “What have you found that gives you the most life in the everyday grind of ministry?”

Question #2: “What has been the most influential book for you as a leader in family ministry?”

Question #3: “If there have been times in ministry that you thought of quitting, what has kept you from stepping away and continuing to press on?”

Question #4: “How have you worked to create a ‘Jesus first’ family ministry instead of a ‘fun first’ ministry in a culture that has a hard time finding Jesus attractive enough to make the ‘main thing’?”

Question #5 “What advice would you share with someone stepping into kids or student ministry for the first time?”

Thank you very much for taking the time to send us your thoughts on these questions. We are praying for you in your ministry as you continue to serve on the battlefield for the Kingdom!

Written by: Alex Purtell

Alex is the co-founder of Froot Group, a worship and family ministries staffing company.

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About the author
Written by: Alex Purtell Alex is the co-founder of Froot Group, a worship and family ministries staffing company.

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