Getting Ready For The Big Dance

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March Madness is one of my favorite times of the year. I love basketball, I love Nate (my husband), and I love watching basketball with Nate! It can’t get any better than this! There’s just something about this time…these few weeks. The Selection Show is just the beginning. We sit on the edge of our seats as the teams are picked. We fill out our brackets together and most times he takes my advice. Not to brag but I’ve done pretty good with my brackets in years past. I love the challenge of it all. I love breaking out my two colors of highlighters to mark the W’s and L’s. Nate laughs at my traditions but I must confess something. After the tournament is over, my brackets look like a work of art! Anyway, another reason why I love this time is because you get to find out about these kids…these players. They’re not just talented basketball players. They’re actual people with a story. A testimony. I was just watching Dwayne Wade’s story today and it showed clips of when he went to Marquette and what his “story” was at that time. I have to admit…it got me. Choked me up a bit. That’s what I love! I love the stories behind these people…where they’ve been and what they’ve experienced.

Think about the people who are on your ministry team. Your team is just like the basketball teams playing in the “Big Dance”. Just think though…your team is helping to get people ready for the biggest dance of all time! Have you invested in them? Do you know their story? Do you know what makes them tick and know their sweet spot? Do you know their family and where they’ve come from? Your team shouldn’t be people who just fill a spot on your schedule. Your team shouldn’t be people who make up a teacher quota for a classroom. They shouldn’t be people who just hold a door open for visitors or play an instrument up on stage. They should be people who you rally around. They should be people who you celebrate with. They should be people who you do life with. Invest in them and they will invest in you! Invest in them and they will invest in the church! Invest in them and they will invest in their community! Invest in them and they will invest in the Kingdom! Who’s ready for the BIG DANCE?!

Written by: Meggan Jacobus

Meggan is the staffing manager at Froot Group, a worship staffing & consulting company.

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