One Verse for Your Church in 2021
I didn’t realize what I had started on the second Sunday of 2019.
I had heard in passing about a church that read the same verse at the end of their worship service for an entire year. At the time, it sounded like a good idea. The idea that there would be a consistent message throughout the entire year, and maybe, some people might actually memorize it, was appealing to me.
At the time, I prayerfully read through some of the verses that were heavy on my heart. I picked Matthew 9:35-38. Okay, it wasn’t just one verse, but it was one passage. You may recognize verse 36 and 37: “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is great, but the workers are few.’” (NLT)
Our church started reading that passage at the end of every worship service in 2019. And we haven’t stopped. We are closing in on 2 years and we have no plans to stop.
What I didn’t know was the impact of those few verses. It has slowly shifted our eyes to see the confused and helpless souls around us. Those verses have led us to a new vision for our church. Those verses have shifted our strategy as church.
I didn’t realize what I had started that Sunday in 2019, but God knew. And God’s Word has greatly impacted our church in ways I didn’t see coming.
As you look to 2021, think about the possibility of one verse or one passage for your church. Here are a few ideas to help you think through what that verse may be:
- What direction is God leading your church in 2021?
- What is one way that your church can impact the community around you?
- Is there a verse that is overflowing from your heart right now?
- What verse have you seen that has been impactful in your church in the past?
God’s Word is living, breathing, and active. Let the people in your church see the power of letting God’s Word consistently permeate into their collective hearts. God might use it beyond what you can ask or think.
Article appears here.
Jess Rainer is the co-founder of Rainer Publishing. As co-author of “The Millennials”, Jess provides insights into the next generation of leaders. To read more from Jess, click here.
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