Qualities of a Great Employee

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Qualities of a Great Employee

Qualities of a Great Employee

Hiring is hard. Hiring a great employee is even harder! Great churches and organizations require great employees. To find diamonds in the rough, you need to look beyond skills, education, and experience. If you want to find out how to be a better church staff person or identify the best candidates, read on!

1. Love Doing Great Work

Great employees have a genuine love for what they do. They are not just in it for the paycheck; they take pride in their work and strive to deliver the best possible results. This passion drives them to go above and beyond, consistently producing high-quality work.

How to Foster It:
Encourage a culture that values excellence and recognizes outstanding contributions. Provide opportunities for employees to work on projects they are passionate about and offer feedback that highlights their achievements.

2. Constant Learners

The best employees are those who are always looking to improve themselves. They seek out new knowledge, skills, and experiences that can help them grow both personally and professionally. This commitment to learning makes them adaptable and ready to take on new challenges.

How to Foster It:
Support professional development by providing access to training programs, workshops, and courses. Encourage employees to set personal learning goals and celebrate their progress.

3. Read Regularly

Reading is a common habit among great employees. It helps them stay informed about industry trends, gain new perspectives, and continuously expand their knowledge base. Whether it’s books, articles, or research papers, reading regularly fuels their creativity and problem-solving abilities.

How to Foster It:
Create a reading culture by sharing interesting articles and book recommendations. Consider starting a book club or providing resources for continuous learning.

4. Embrace Change

Change is inevitable in any organization, and great employees not only accept it but embrace it. They understand that change often brings new opportunities and are willing to adapt to new processes, technologies, and ideas.

How to Foster It:
Promote a positive attitude towards change by communicating its benefits and involving employees in the transition process. Offer training and support to help them adapt smoothly.

5. Plan for Success

Great employees are strategic thinkers. They set clear goals, plan their actions, and consistently work towards achieving success. This forward-thinking mindset allows them to anticipate challenges and develop effective solutions.

How to Foster It:
Encourage employees to set both short-term and long-term goals. Provide tools and resources to help them create actionable plans and monitor their progress regularly.

6. Take Responsibility

Taking responsibility for one’s actions is a hallmark of a great employee. They own their successes and failures, learning from mistakes and continuously striving to improve. This sense of accountability makes them reliable and trustworthy team members.

How to Foster It:
Promote a culture of accountability by setting clear expectations and providing regular feedback. Recognize and reward employees who take ownership of their work and demonstrate reliability.

7. Motivated by Excellence

Great employees are motivated by excellence. They set high standards for themselves and others, consistently pushing to achieve the best possible outcomes. This drive for excellence ensures that they never settle for mediocrity.

How to Foster It:
Encourage a culture of excellence by setting high standards and recognizing employees who meet or exceed them. Provide opportunities for continuous improvement and celebrate achievements.

8. Doesn’t Waste Time

Time is a valuable resource, and great employees know how to manage it effectively. They prioritize tasks, avoid distractions, and focus on what truly matters. This efficient use of time maximizes their productivity and contributes to the organization’s success.

How to Foster It:
Provide training on time management techniques and tools. Encourage employees to set priorities and minimize distractions. Recognize and reward efficient and productive work.

9. Team Leader

Great employees often emerge as leaders, even if they don’t hold formal leadership positions. They inspire and motivate their colleagues, fostering a collaborative and supportive team environment. Their ability to lead by example makes them invaluable assets to any organization.

How to Foster It:
Identify and nurture potential leaders by providing leadership training and opportunities for team collaboration. Encourage employees to take on leadership roles in projects and recognize their contributions to the team.

Finding and nurturing great employees is essential for the success of any organization. By focusing on these key qualities—passion for work, continuous learning, adaptability, strategic planning, accountability, motivation for excellence, effective time management, and leadership—you can build a strong, dedicated team that drives your organization forward.

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