Whatever You Do…Don’t Quit!

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5 Workplace Weaknesses

Whatever You Do…Don’t Quit!

If you’re in a position that’s leaving you discouraged and wanting to move on, it’s time to evaluate. Living during this world wide pandemic has been discouraging in itself which can cause some of those feelings. A lack of interaction with your staff. Feelings of inadequacy in your ministry. Not being able to think out of the box. The list goes on! It can make someone want to quit.

Unfortunately, sometimes the easy route is to quit. Is that really what God wants you to do? He’s placed you in this ministry for a reason – it may just be for “such a time as this”. Get away and really evaluate what’s going on. Don’t quit – dig your feet in and keep pressing forward. So how can you do that? 

1. Look to God

In Hebrews 12:2 it says, to look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. The word “look” in Hebrew literally means to fix your eyes on something. It’s easy to focus your attention on your situation or outside events. This can certainly cause you to feel like quitting! When we do that, it’s easy to lose sight of God and what he’s called us to do. When you feel like giving up and throwing in the towel, look to God and depend on him to get you through this time. He will provide you the strength to take that next step forward. 

2. Remember how Christ endured pain. 

In Hebrews 12:3, it says to “consider Christ”. He was willing to take such shame from sinners. Think of this so you will not get tired and give up. The word “consider” in this verse means to think about. When we feel like giving up, think about what Christ endured for you.  Think about the opposition he was up against. The pain he felt on the cross when he was spit on and mocked.

When you think about those things, it should give you the strength to keep moving forward. Don’t be discouraged! God understands you and sees the trials you’re up against. He will never leave you. He will give you the power to endure this time. Fill your mind with God’s Word and remember what Jesus has endured for us.

3. Trust that people are growing because of your good works. 

What you do matters! The time you’re investing in planning, the love you’re pouring into your team, and the sacrifices that you’re making are not in vain. God sees and so do the people around you. It tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:58 to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain.

You have the opportunity to make disciples and those disciples will continue the pattern so we can make heaven full. Be obedient to the call! We know ministry is challenging and in days and times like these, we question if it’s worth it. Know you’re making a difference. Trust that even though you may not see the fruit, you’re part of planting the seed. 

4. Know that God is faithful.

It says in Hebrews 10:23 to hold fast for he has promised to be faithful. If God has led you and called you to this ministry, he has your back! God doesn’t call you without equipping and empowering you. If you don’t feel you have the strength, He will give it to you. He never fails and is always there to guide you if you ask. He is trustworthy and will do what He says He will do. God won’t let you down. Whenever you feel like quitting, God will sustain you and breathe life back into your ministry. God’s faithful even when we aren’t! 

When those thoughts of discouragement come creeping back up to the door of your heart and mind, stop and LOOK to God, REMEMBER what he endured, TRUST that what you do matters, and KNOW that God is faithful!

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