Answers to Desired Salary Question

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Answers to Desired Salary Question

Answers to Desired Salary Question

The dreaded question in any job interview: “What’s your desired salary?” or “What’s your hourly rate?” You can’t avoid it, especially when online applications make answering the salary expectations question a requirement. If the interviewer asks what your expected salary is, you need to have an answer ready. Here are a few good examples to keep in your back pocket:

1. My Salary Range is Pretty Flexible

When you say your salary range is flexible, it shows that you are open to negotiation and willing to discuss compensation based on the job’s specifics and the company’s budget. This response can also help keep you in the running for the position by not immediately pricing yourself out. For example:

“My salary range is pretty flexible. I’m more interested in finding a role that fits my skills and career goals, and I believe we can reach a fair compensation agreement based on the value I bring to your team.”

2. My Expectations Are in Line with My Qualifications

This response highlights that your salary expectations are grounded in your professional qualifications and experience. It shows that you have a realistic understanding of your worth in the job market. For example:

“My salary expectations are in line with my qualifications and the industry standards. Given my experience and the skills I bring to the table, I believe a competitive salary would be appropriate.”

3. With My Skills, I’d Like to Receive Something in the Range of…

This approach allows you to provide a specific range while emphasizing your skills and experience. It shows that you have researched and understand your market value. For example:

“With my skills and experience, I’d like to receive something in the range of $60,000 to $70,000 annually. However, I am open to discussing this further to ensure it’s a good fit for both parties.”

4. What Range Do You Expect to Hire for This Position?

Turning the question back to the interviewer can be a strategic move. It shows that you are interested in understanding the company’s budget and expectations, which can help you tailor your response. For example:

“What range do you expect to hire for this position? I’d like to ensure that my expectations align with your budget for the role.”

Navigating the “What’s your desired salary?” question can be tricky, but with the right preparation, you can answer confidently and effectively. By expressing flexibility, aligning your expectations with your qualifications, providing a skills-based range, or inquiring about the company’s budget, you can handle this question smoothly. Remember, the goal is to find a compensation package that reflects your worth and meets the company’s needs.

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