10 One-Liner Prayers To Start Your Day Right

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10 One-Liner Prayers To Start Your Day Right

Ever have one of those mornings? You know—the mornings when you try to get up early for some quiet time with the Lord, but your kids beat you to the punch. So instead of starting the day with fuzzy slippers on your feet and a Bible in your hand, you juggle a toddler in one arm and a gallon of milk in the other as you scramble to pour cereal and mediate spats between siblings, perhaps before the sun has even poked through the sky.

Ah, family life. It’s not supposed to be easy.

I’ve learned the hard way to adapt my Bible study time according to the demands of each season. That doesn’t mean I can’t still start every day with the Lord. How? Before my feet swing out from under the covers, I whisper a simple one-liner prayer, committing my day to God.

Prayers like these:
  • Lord, help me to honor you with the way I treat my family today.
  • Please, Lord, give me eyes to see my children the way you see them.
  • Lord, I have an agenda and a schedule, but please help me to embrace YOUR plans for me, whatever today may bring.
  • Lord, search me and know my anxious thoughts; see if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:23–24)
  • God, please give me a supernatural degree of energy to get through today. (This one helped me survive the fourth trimester with a colicky babe.)
  • Love is patient, love is kind; please, God, help me to show patience and kindness to the people I love best.
  • Today will be filled with opportunities and messages from all directions; Lord, please help me to discern which ones come from you and which I should disregard.
  • Not to me, Lord, but to you be the glory; thank you for your love and faithfulness. (Psalm 115:1)
  • Father, I believe you can do more than I ask or imagine, so please help me to see you working in my life today.
  • Lord, help me to trust you today, no matter what.

If you’re in a season of life when it’s hard to grab a quiet hour alone with God before family duty takes over, or if your routine involves Bible and prayer time later in the day, try one of these simple prayers to start your day off right. I hope you’ll find they help tune your heart to Jesus from morning ‘til night.

*Ever have one of those mornings? What is your go-to prayer?

Article written For The Family by Becky Kopitzke. Becky is the author of “The SuperMom Myth: Conquering the Dirty Villains of Motherhood”(Shiloh Run Press) and “Generous Love: Discover the Joy of Living Generously”. Becky lives in lovely northeast Wisconsin with her husband and their two daughters. For more information:

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