Tag: prayer

9 Powerful Prayers for New Jobs and Employment

The Top 3 Qualities in a Youth Ministry Hire

9 Powerful Prayers for New Jobs and Employment

Whether you’re a fresh graduate or a career shifter, job searching can be stressful. Sometimes, the stress pulls you down, and you lose hope of getting that perfect job opportunity. Fortunately, you’re never alone in this. God has a plan, and by asking for His guidance, you can land a job that’s right for you.

Read on for prayers you can use when job searching and preparing for interviews!

What the Bible Says About Careers and Employment

By serving our bosses and employers, we also serve God, as stated in Colossians 3:23-24: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

By working, you bless yourself and others. Whether you’re teaching kids how to read or helping people bag their groceries, you’re improving the lives of the people around you.

Bible Verses About Job Changes

Changing jobs and switching careers can be stressful. If you’re finding the process discouraging, read these encouraging Bible verses for employment breakthroughs and job changes.

  • Jeremiah 29:11: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”
  • Psalm 32:8: ”I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”
  • Matthew 6:34: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Bible Verses for New Jobs

Starting a new job can be as nerve-wracking and scary as the job search itself. Here are some Bible verses to read for encouragement:

  • Philippians 4:13: “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
  • Titus 2:7-8: “In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.”

Bible Verses About Hiring Employees

As a business owner, you must hire the right people and treat your workers fairly. These Bible verses will guide you to choose the best employee for the job and treat them with respect:

  • Proverbs 26:10: “Like an archer who wounds at random is one who hires a fool or any passer-by.”
  • Leviticus 19:13: “‘Do not defraud or rob your neighbor. Do not hold back the wages of a hired worker overnight.’”

Prayers for Finding a New Job

Matthew 7:7-8 exhorts us to come to God in boldness when we’re making a request: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” If you are asking God for a job, know that He is more than capable of providing for you.

If you’re a job seeker who’s asking, “What does God want me to do for a career?” Read Bible verses about praying for a job to encourage yourself. You can also say these prayers:

Praying for a Suitable Job

“Dear Lord, this day I humbly ask You for a job suited to my needs. Lead me to work that’s fulfilling and useful for others. Just like You are my rock, I ask that You provide me with a stable job.

God, I ask You for a job where I can put my skills and talents to good use. Please, bless me with enough to put food on my family’s table and give back what is due to You.

I promise to always remember You when job opportunities come knocking. May Jesus bless me and unemployment become a thing of my past. Amen.”

Praying to Overcome Employment Obstacles

“Dear God, I am weary of being unemployed for a long time. Please, help all future employers to see me for my skills and talents.

I speak out against all injustice, favoritism, and prejudice in the workplace because it is not the Christian way. I will trust in You to provide me with a breakthrough in my employment. Amen.”

Praying for the Right Career Choice

“Dear God, I come to You because You are all-knowing and always want the best for me. Today, I’m looking for guidance and understanding about which career path is the best for me.

I am aware that my understanding is limited, but You understand everything. Please guide my footsteps and help me choose the right career so I can help others and earn an honest living.

Dear God, I trust in Your judgment to show me the best path at this juncture of life. Please give me a sign, so I understand what to do next. Amen.”

Prayers for Before and After Job Interviews

Sending an application and going to job interviews can be as stressful as searching for work. Here are three prayers to help you weather this storm:

Prayer After Submitting an Application

“Dear God, I come to You for Your help in my time of need. You told us to ask, and You shall give it; that is why I pray today. Earlier, I submitted my application for a job where I hope to be useful to others and glorify Your name in everything I do.

I pray for Your favor on my work application and that my potential employers will look upon it favorably. God, shower me with Your blessing so my work application is acknowledged and opens the door of opportunity for me. Amen.”

Prayer to Prepare for a Job Interview

“Dear God, I bow before You to humbly ask for guidance and support for this upcoming job interview. I pray that You will make my interviewers see my honesty, integrity, and ambition and seriously consider me for this position.

I ask for Your guidance in answering my interviewers’ questions because everything good comes from You and I can’t do this on my own. God, help me say the right things at the right time so they see why I’m the best candidate for the job. Amen.”

Prayer After a Job Interview

“Dear God, I thank You for guiding me during the interview. Now, I humbly return to You to guide the interviewers’ thoughts so that I stand out among all the other candidates. May You help the interviewers see my strengths and consider me one of their top candidates. Amen.”

Prayers for Starting a New Job

We always need God’s guidance, even when we’ve already started at our new job, because we may stray on the wrong path without Him. Here are some prayers to read when asking for God’s grace at your new workplace:

Prayer After Being Accepted

“Dear God, thank You for providing me with this job. Whatever the work, I know I am blessed because You gave it to me. Today, I pray to You for guidance and assistance so that I can succeed in my new career. If I receive a promotion, a raise, or a commendation, I trust it will be through Your guidance. Amen.”

Prayer for Your First Day on the Job

“Dear God, as I start my new job, I thank You for providing me with the opportunities that led to this. I ask for help honoring You through my work, whether through my actions or speech.

God, give me endurance and a strong will so I can give my employers my all. Please also grant me the obedience and respect to serve my bosses, knowing that by honoring them, I also honor You. Amen.”

Prayer to Fight Feelings of Inadequacy at Work

“Dear God, I understand that I can do everything through Your strength. Today, I humbly ask for confidence to stave off these feelings of inadequacy as I do my daily work.

God, protect me from self-judging and self-measurement. Instead, give me the ability to help others in my job. Amen.”

Closing Thoughts

Searching for jobs or starting a new one is often stressful and nerve-wracking. However, don’t forget that God is with you every step of the way. If you feel yourself starting to drown in stress, stop to say a prayer or read a Bible verse to remind yourself that God is always there to help.

Article written by: Tithe.ly

Article taken from here.


A Thanksgiving Prayer

5 Things a Christian Should be Thankful for this Year

A Thanksgiving Prayer

In the midst of busy schedules and chaos, here is a Thanksgiving prayer to help you pause, breathe, and thank God for His many blessings.

It seems a sort of cruel joke that that the time of the year most set aside for reflection and pausing also happens to be the time of year when things are the busiest. To-do lists keep growing. Errands keep accumulating. And stress seems like the natural default mode of our existence.

With as crazy a season as the holidays tend to be, when you finally do get a chance to try to practice the gratitude this season centers around, when you finally get a moment to quiet yourself down, all you really want is a nap. The truth is, it would be nice if starting in September we had made plans to make a gratitude tree would fill in the month of November. But practicing gratitude doesn’t just need to be for those of us with foresight, margin or a zen like disposition.

As the days to Thanksgiving continue to countdown, there’s space for all of us–even the most stressed out, spread thin, and overwhelmed of us. This year, when you feel behind because the holiday planning wasn’t as meaningful as you had hoped, and the days went far faster than you expected, there’s no reason Thanksgiving can’t still allow room for you to pause, to breathe, and to give thanks.

In the next few days, find five minutes to get alone, close a door, and take three, slow, long deep breaths. And pray a prayer of thanks.

A Prayer of Thanks 

God, the giver of good things, we give back to you, thanks.

Thank you for creating.

Thank you for revealing.

Thank you for surprising us with your goodness

Thank you for the breadcrumbs of goodness you leave for us to find.

Thank you for eyes to see goodness,

Ears to hear goodness,

And a heart to appreciate goodness.

Thank you that good and beautiful and true things are all evidence of You.

We give thanks.

God, giver of good things, sometimes the goodness is hard to find; the breadcrumbs impossible to follow; the evidence harder to believe.

Darkness overwhelms light. Chaos disrupts peace. Confusion dispels hope.

Giver of good things, the good things can sometimes seem hidden.

But even then, especially then,

You give yourself.

And we give thanks.

We give thanks not because the world is perfect.

But because you are good.

We give thanks not because there aren’t things to fear.

But because you are present.

We give thanks not because we are naïve, ignorant, or superstitious.

We give thanks because your Goodness is trustworthy.

When giving thanks is easy, we give thanks.

When giving thanks seems impossible, then too, we give thanks.

We give thanks for what is, we give thanks for what has been,

But most of all we give thanks for what will be:

A world righted of wrongs, humanity restored and redeemed, a perfect gathering around a table to share company and stories, tears and laughter, presence and the breaking of bread.

God, giver of good things, giver of the breath we breathe in, and the breath we breathe out, fill us with the breath of your Spirit in a season of busyness.

Restore us. Slow us. Sustain us.

We pause to give thanks.

We pause to give a portion back to you what you have so selflessly given us.

God, giver of good, you are good.

And we give thanks.

Article written by: Sarah Anderson

Article taken from here.

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Make Every Effort


Did 2020 cause you to stop dreaming, to stop thinking big?  

It has for many. 

It’s why a setback can be a big opportunity. 

While many have stopped dreaming, you still can. 

It’s why we’re encouraging every pastor to re-engage with thinking big and envisioning what could be in 2021. 

That’s what followers of Jesus do.


Jeff Henderson of the FOR Company says,

We own a space in the land of possibility.

We lease a space in the land of reality.

We don’t deny reality but we don’t let reality define us.


Begin your envisioning process of thinking big and crafting plans to bring those thoughts to reality.

Craft your plans because a dream without a plan of action is a nightmare. 

Step ONE: Reflect on 2020. 

Ok, I know. No one wants to spend time reflecting on 2020. 

But carving out time to process these questions will be a great first step toward your 2021 planning. 

Start with the following questions to guide your reflection (with a minimum of 10 minutes). Set a timer for ten minutes, and start reflecting now.

Don’t procrastinate.

  • What were three wins in 2020? 

  • List seven events, people or memories you are grateful for in 2020. 

  • In what area of your life do you have the most momentum? 

  • How can you keep that momentum in 2021? 

  • What is the most positive habit in your life at the moment? 

  • What one habit do you wish you could change in 2021? 

  • Who is sharpening you to be the person you want to become, and how can you spend more time with them in 2021?

  • What one thing, if it got better, would make the biggest difference in 2021?


After just ten minutes, you will have taken a big step forward toward making 2021 a great year.

As you’re reflecting on 2020 what can you learn about how you engage with people who are not like you and how you are making disciples?

In my ten minutes of reflecting, I thought of those who are sharpening me to be the person I want to become. 

So take TEN and own space in “the land of possibility.” 

And while you’re at it, take an additional 90 seconds and check out the FOR page. Does your community know what your church is FOR? Jeff can help you with that. 

Original article appears here

Bob Jones is the founder of REVwords.com, an author, blogger, and coach with 39 years of pastoral experience. Bob is also an Advance Coach with the ABNWT Resource Centre. You can connect with Bob here.

Looking for a new position? Stop by MinistryJobs.com and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

Read more Ministry blogs at MinistryJobs.com/blog


Creating Quality Experiences


While you’re probably amazed you’ve (almost) survived 2020 as a leader, if you’re thinking ahead like most leaders, you realize 2021 is just around the corner.

How on earth do you plan in an environment like this?

While no one knows the future, that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare.

And while I have no greater insight into the future than you do, here are 7 things I’m planning around as 2021 approaches. I’ll also share a short action step with each insight.

2020 hasn’t turned out how anyone thought it would, and wise leaders won’t be quick to assume that 2021 will be any better, as much as we’d all love it to be.

I really hope this helps. Note: While the first three feel negative (and we’ve all had enough negative), please don’t skip them. There is hope.

Here’s the promise: Leaders who prepare to lead in the real world tend to find greater success than leaders who prepare for an ideal world that doesn’t exist.

With that in mind, here are 7 things every leader should be preparing for now as 2021 approaches.

1. Uncertainty

Being a recovering control freak myself, I love predictability. Right now, nothing is really predictable.

Leading through uncertainty—in this case, prolonged uncertainty—requires a whole new skill set.

If you want to position yourself to lead well in the midst of uncertainty, develop your agility and flexibility.

Those two attributes will help you respond as things continue to change.

If you’re wondering how to become more agile and flexible as a leader and organization, this will help.

2. Instability

Uncertainty is one thing. It removes your ability to see what’s ahead and around.

Instability is different. Instability means that the present circumstances are volatile and unsteady. They just keep changing all the time.

Think about the return to church for most leaders. Most church leaders thought people would surge back to in-person worship. That hasn’t happened.

And now most church leaders who have reopened for physical gatherings find themselves caught in the trap of having inadequate resources to do both online and in-person services well. Worse, you’re trying to figure out where everyone went.

One of the best ways to lead through instability is to pour more resources into what’s gaining traction and removing resources from what isn’t.

The best way to create future momentum is to pour resources into anything that’s producing current momentum. That’s why restaurants are beefing up takeout and drive-thrus, Hollywood is releasing direct to your devices, gyms are moving to outdoor classes and churches are investing more and more in online experiences.

In an unstable environment, when you find momentum, fuel it. And keep experimenting.

3. Economic Strangeness

I wanted to call this economic ‘volatility,’ but that would be too charitable.

The economy right now is just, well, strange. It’s been a very uneven year. The poor have gotten poorer, the rich have become richer.

People are spending like there’s no tomorrow on luxury goods and real estate and also saving money at historic highs, while others on the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum go broke.

Downtown cores are seeing commercial real estate vacancies soar, and the stock market is soaring to record heights. while whole sectors of the economy are on the verge of disappearing.

Who knows what’s going to happen next? And the US Presidential election just throws an extra measure of unpredictability into the mix.

My thought? We need to prepare for a season of deep savings and deep charity.

In 2021, organizations with good cash reserves will have the buffer both to keep going and to keep giving.

If you’re curious, I’ve asked many leaders on my Leadership Podcast what a decent cash reserve is, and the consensus is three to six months of expenses in the bank.

You can’t give what you don’t have.

4. Opportunity

In the midst of all of this is opportunity.

Great innovation is born out of great crisis.

Crisis is an accelerator, and many of the changes we’ve seen (the emerge of the home as the new hub for fitness, schooling, work, shopping, entertainment and church) were coming anyway, they just got here faster.

The very obstacle you’re fearing might be the greatest opportunity you’re facing. It all depends on how you look at it.

As Bobby Gruenewald shared at the Online Church Engagement Summit, YouVersion, the free bible app, was born out of his frustration of wishing he could read the Bible more when he was on the road (or in line at the TSA). 443 million downloads later, history is changed because of his solution to that problem. You can watch the ninety minute Summit on demand for free here.

So, what are you seeing? Obstacle or opportunity? The future belongs to those who find the opportunity.

5. Model Reboot

Along with finding the opportunity comes rebooting your model.

The longer the uncertainty and volatility continue, the more outdated your previous model as an organization becomes.

Long before the pandemic, the existing church model of in-person attendance in buildings was showing signs of ineffectiveness. You can look at this 2018 church trends post for more on that.

The crisis is accelerating both your opportunities and your need to change.

If there’s ever been a moment to rethink how you do what you do, it’s now.

Now more than ever, churches that love their model more than their mission will die.

6. Staff Reallocation

My guess is your staff and volunteers are positioned to lead in the old reality not the new reality that’s emerged.

But as what we all thought might be a temporary blip becomes a protracted crisis, it’s probably time to rethink how you allocate your staff. The half time ‘tech guy’ isn’t going to get you into the future. Nor is the tack on of  ‘website and social media’ to someone’s already full-time job description.

One way to think through the model reboot and staffing allocations is to ask yourself, “If we were launching today, what would we do?” Then go do it.

In a prolonged crisis, every organization that will prevail is acting like a start-up. So, act like a start-up.

7. Deeper Personal Reserves

I realize posts like this can blow up your life and make your already insufferably long to-do list longer. And many of you don’t even have the energy to think about doing this right now.

I get it.

I saved the most important until last, but the best thing you can do is deepen your personal reserves for the season ahead.

Maybe you’re thinking that time off will heal you (at Christmas, in February…whenever). I doubt it.

Time off won’t heal you when the problem is how you spend time on. When every day grinds you into the dust with long hours, you won’t make it to vacation.

The cure for an unsustainable pace is to create a sustainable pace.

For me, that means mastering the art of saying no, clearing my calendar, deciding to quit doing the things that aren’t working and building in margin to the every day.

If you think you can’t afford to do that, you’re wrong. You can’t afford not to do that.

Having burned out years ago, I know the pain burnout causes.

So here’s to deepening your personal reserves. (This will help). If you have deep reserves, tackling everything else in this post becomes not just easier, but doable.

Cheering for you.

Original article appears here

Read more Ministry blogs at MinistryJobs.com/blog

Carey Nieuwhof is a former lawyer and founding pastor of Connexus Church. He’s the author of several best-selling books, including his latest, Didn’t See It Coming, and speaks to leaders around the world about leadership, change and personal growth.

The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast and Carey’s blog at www.CareyNieuwhof.com are accessed by millions of leaders each year.

Looking for a new position? Stop by MinistryJobs.com and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

Seven Heartfelt Prayers by Pastors for Their Churches in 2021

Seven Heartfelt Prayers by Pastors for Their Churches in 2021

Seven Heartfelt Prayers by Pastors for Their Churches in 2021

I could begin this article with another cliché about 2020, but I won’t.

Pastors are ready to move forward. Church members are ready to move forward. Indeed, it’s time to move forward.

In that light, I asked pastors a simple question on social media: “What are your prayers for your church for 2021?” I received hundreds of responses, but the answers were amazingly consistent. Here are the top seven prayers in order of frequency:

  • Unity in the church. Many pastors noted that 2020 has not only been a time of stress, it has been a time of stress resulting in disunity and bickering. Masks or no masks? Gather or not gather? Social distance or not? Many of the members took their complaints to social media.  I wish we could devise a rule that requires members to spend twice as much time in the Bible as they do on Facebook. We might have revival.
  • Embracing the community. It has truly been heartwarming to see so many pastors have renewed conviction to be a gospel presence in their neighborhoods. These pastors are now praying that their church as a whole reach and minister to the community. Your church address is no accident. Your church was placed in your community to be a gospel presence.
  • More evangelism. One pastor put it this way, “I am not praying for our church to do more evangelism; I am praying for our church to do any evangelism.” Another pastor marveled at how far so many churches have strayed from the priority of sharing the gospel. “We have become so busy doing good things,” a pastor noted, “that we have neglected the best things.
  • Embracing change. A number of pastors prayed that their church members will embrace change more readily in 2021. They realize the urgency of the moment. Business as usual will result in decline or even the death of the church. Many of these pastors have experienced worship wars and other conflicts. They know major change must take place, so they are praying it will come without major conflict.
  • Eradication of COVID.  Very few of us really expected the pandemic to last this long at this level of intensity. COVID has taken its toll on our health, on our emotions, on our marriages and families, on our businesses, and on our churches. Like all of us, pastors are ready for the pandemic to get under control.
  • Return of church members. “I want us all to be back together again,” a Michigan pastor commented. “I really miss a lot of my church members.” Though these pastors are realistic and know not everyone will return, they are ready for as many as possible to gather again in the worship services, groups, and ministries.
  • Elimination of the unnecessary activities. “One of the positive consequences of the pandemic,” a Florida pastor shared on social media, “is that we were able to see we really didn’t have to have all the programs, activities, and meetings we had. It’s my prayer that we will continue to refine our ministries and eliminate all the busyness that really did not make a difference.”

Thank you, pastors. You are on the front lines of ministry. You deserve our gratitude and not our criticisms. We pray with you for these seven prayers and many more you expressed.

Original article appears here

Thom S. Rainer is the founder and CEO of Church Answers, an online community and resource for church leaders. Prior to founding Church Answers, Rainer served as president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources

Looking for a new position? Stop by MinistryJobs.com and have a look at the jobs that are available! Ministry jobs are hard to come by and job hunting is no fun. We help ministry job seekers find their ideal role in their next ministry – for free! More than 6 million search for a job every day. Be found! Looking to list a job or an open position? We help churches and organizations get job openings in front of potential candidates. We have several plans and packages available. Today is the day!

Read more Ministry blogs at MinistryJobs.com/blog

10 One-Liner Prayers To Start Your Day Right

Ever have one of those mornings? You know—the mornings when you try to get up early for some quiet time with the Lord, but your kids beat you to the punch. So instead of starting the day with fuzzy slippers on your feet and a Bible in your hand, you juggle a toddler in one arm and a gallon of milk in the other as you scramble to pour cereal and mediate spats between siblings, perhaps before the sun has even poked through the sky.

Ah, family life. It’s not supposed to be easy.

I’ve learned the hard way to adapt my Bible study time according to the demands of each season. That doesn’t mean I can’t still start every day with the Lord. How? Before my feet swing out from under the covers, I whisper a simple one-liner prayer, committing my day to God.

Prayers like these:
  • Lord, help me to honor you with the way I treat my family today.
  • Please, Lord, give me eyes to see my children the way you see them.
  • Lord, I have an agenda and a schedule, but please help me to embrace YOUR plans for me, whatever today may bring.
  • Lord, search me and know my anxious thoughts; see if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:23–24)
  • God, please give me a supernatural degree of energy to get through today. (This one helped me survive the fourth trimester with a colicky babe.)
  • Love is patient, love is kind; please, God, help me to show patience and kindness to the people I love best.
  • Today will be filled with opportunities and messages from all directions; Lord, please help me to discern which ones come from you and which I should disregard.
  • Not to me, Lord, but to you be the glory; thank you for your love and faithfulness. (Psalm 115:1)
  • Father, I believe you can do more than I ask or imagine, so please help me to see you working in my life today.
  • Lord, help me to trust you today, no matter what.

If you’re in a season of life when it’s hard to grab a quiet hour alone with God before family duty takes over, or if your routine involves Bible and prayer time later in the day, try one of these simple prayers to start your day off right. I hope you’ll find they help tune your heart to Jesus from morning ‘til night.

*Ever have one of those mornings? What is your go-to prayer?

Article written For The Family by Becky Kopitzke. Becky is the author of “The SuperMom Myth: Conquering the Dirty Villains of Motherhood”(Shiloh Run Press) and “Generous Love: Discover the Joy of Living Generously”. Becky lives in lovely northeast Wisconsin with her husband and their two daughters. For more information: beckykopitzke.com.

Grace Bible Church

Each week, we feature a new church and introduce you to some of the new and exciting things that’s taking place within it’s doors and within their community. All of our churches have the same mission, however, and it’s to proclaim the gospel and make disciples. We’re all engaged in the same kind of work!

Let’s use this opportunity above all to encourage and pray for each other. If you would like your church to be featured and for us to pray for your church, please comment below with the name and location of the church.

Church Name: Grace Bible Church

Pastor: Rev. Donald Harris

Location: Haledon, NJ

Website: http://gracebiblenj.org

Grace Bible Church has been on the lookout for a new senior pastor for quite some time now. God knows their needs! The church knows that God wants to guide them to the right person that He has already prepared for this position in the right time. Pray that their next pastor would have a strong commitment to Christ, and a definite sense of God’s calling to be a pastor. Pray that this person would  be a person of integrity and that they would be honest.

Finally, pray that the pastor’s life would be marked by prayer, faith, compassion and love. That he would be a person of vision, as well, seeking to strengthen believers and reach the lost for Christ. Pray that their congregation will welcome and support and encourage their new pastor once they find him. It’s been 3 long years that they’ve been on this journey – pray that the right person would be found soon and that a hire could be made quickly.

“Churches Praying for Churches” is a blog series at MinistryJobs.com. Come along side of us to pray for these churches. Let us know that you’re praying with us by commenting below.

If you would like your church featured in the “Churches Praying for Churches” series, comment below with the churches name and location. 

Redemption Hill Church

Each week, we feature a new church and introduce you to some of the new and exciting things that’s taking place within it’s doors and within their community. All of our churches have the same mission, however, and it’s to proclaim the gospel and make disciples. We’re all engaged in the same kind of work!

Let’s use this opportunity above all to encourage and pray for each other. If you would like your church to be featured and for us to pray for your church, please comment below with the name and location of the church.

Church Name: Redemption Hill Church

Senior Pastor: Tanner Turley

Location: Medford, MA

Website: redemptionhillchurch.com

Redemption Hill Church is ready for a full summer as they’re diving deep as they serve within their community. Pastor Turley leads Redemption Hill with his passion rooted in connecting people within the community and helping them discover God’s design for their lives. When you visit Redemption Hill, you can expect reverence and relevance.  They exist to glorify God by living out His mission as a community transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pray for their summer outreach and service within their community. We ask that they would shine and be a light to the people they come in contact with. Pray that they would point people to Christ in all they do. Also, for new leaders that are coming on board to serve. Pray that the on-boarding and training up of these leaders is God ordained. We ask that God would increase their harvest season and that more people would come to Christ thru what is being taught within the walls of the church. Pray for the leaders and teachers that are training up and discipling these new believers.

May their words and actions be of God and that these new believers would want to know more about Christ because of what they’ve seen or heard.

“Churches Praying for Churches” is a blog series at MinistryJobs.com. Come along side of us to pray for these churches. Let us know that you’re praying with us by commenting below.

If you would like your church featured in the “Churches Praying for Churches” series, comment below with the churches name and location. 

First Free Church

Each week, we feature a new church and introduce you to some of the new and exciting things that’s taking place within it’s doors and within their community. All of our churches have the same mission, however, and it’s to proclaim the gospel and make disciples. We’re all engaged in the same kind of work!

Let’s use this opportunity above all to encourage and pray for each other. If you would like your church to be featured and for us to pray for your church, please comment below with the name and location of the church.

Church Name: First Free Church

Senior Pastor: Adam Bowers

Location: Manchester, MO

Website: efree.org

First Free Church is in a season of change and rejuvenation. Pastor Adam Bowers leads First Free Church with relevant preaching and a focus on discipleship and community. He believes the church should be a place where families thrive, individuals grow, and lives are changed forever. Pray for wisdom and discernment for their pastors and elders as they seek God’s will for direction in the weeks and months to come. They have some open ministry positions within their church so pray for their search teams as they’re advertising and interviewing. Ask that the church would continue to impact their community and always be on the lookout for new and creative ways to grow and further the Kingdom.

*Do you have a need in your church that you would like us to pray for? Comment below. We would love to add you to our prayer list!

“Churches Praying for Churches” is a blog series at MinistryJobs.com. Come along side of us to pray for these churches. Let us know that you’re praying with us by commenting below.

If you would like your church featured in the “Churches Praying for Churches” series, comment below with the churches name and location. 

Pinelake Church

Each week, we feature a new church and introduce you to some of the new and exciting things that’s taking place within it’s doors and within their community. All of our churches have the same mission and it’s to proclaim the gospel and make disciples. We’re all engaged in the same kind of work! Let’s use this opportunity to encourage and pray for each other. If you would like your church to be featured and for us to pray for your church, please comment below with the name and location of the church.


Church Name: Pinelake Church

Senior Pastor: Chip Henderson

Location: Mississippi (with five locations in Clinton, Madison, Oxford, The Reservoir & Starkville)

Website: www.pinelake.org

The story of Pinelake Church began in February of 1971 in Brandon, Mississippi in a mobile chapel in a rural area near The Reservoir. By God’s grace and power, our faith family has grown into a dynamic church spanning five cities throughout our state — Clinton, Madison, Oxford, the Reservoir, and Starkville. Weekly, we serve over 11,000 people, but we celebrate stories of life change one person at a time. Pinelake recently celebrated LoveFirst Sunday (http://pinelake.org/lovefirst/) where we are mobilizing our church to share love with 10,000 of Mississippi’s incarcerated. Also, we’re also turning into the final stretch of Making Room (http://www.makingroom.in) a 24-month initiative in response to God’s vision for Pinelake to make room in our hearts and our campuses. Our prayer is that this will become a way of life for all of our campuses! Finally, we anticipate that we’ll launch our sixth campus in 2019!

Please pray for the favor of the Lord to lead us and guide is in all these respects.

“Churches Praying for Churches” is a blog series at MinistryJobs.com. Come along side of us to pray for these churches. Let us know that you’re praying with us by commenting below.

If you would like your church featured in the “Churches Praying for Churches” series, comment below with the churches name and location.